Absolutely fantastic
I love this :)
Thanks a ton, my man! I'm glad my first throw at something EDH isn't being torn to shreds, lol.Happy to help the digging for good 5 card stuff- let me know when yours is finished! I actually didn't know about that combo- great idea!
Hey, thank you! Didn't expect this deck to get any attention, especially my first "try" at a commander. I hadn't heard of the Nephillim until now, they look fun. I'll see what I can do!
...yesyesYESI think I might proxy this deck for myself! If I like it, I might take out the Kalitas, Flayer, and Marshes....don't have $128 to spend right now ;)
This is great! I love the flavor here. Pathway arrows + Deathtouch...ooooo that's so mean. ;)