this deck has a very strong card base and can easily be adapted because of birthing pod
this version is particularly special though because of the phyrexian unlife + Melira, Sylvok Outcast combo that I read about here:
This is a very strong method of staying alive as not too many decks run anti-enchants in the current metagame
full logic behind this deck:
Green is birthing pod, and it is also packed with efficient and powerful creatures, making it the goto for starting the birthing pod deck
Black contains very cheap and efficient cards in NPH, such as phyrexian obliterator, and also contains one of are 2 key recurring cards discussed later
White is also full of very powerful creatures in the standard metagame, between squadron hawk, kor firewalker, and bane slayer angel it is indeed a threat to be reckoned with
Now into the wheels that make this deck turn
First and most obvious is birthing pod, it is the basis of the whole deck, we must include things to protect or resurrect this card when they are using artifact removal
Next is are recurring sacs, these cards come back from the graveyard to give us another chance to sac them, making them key to this deck and are strong determinants in the manacurve for this deck, these two cards are Vengvine and Bloodghast
Next is the special combo in this deck, Melira and phyrexian unlife, this makes you that much harder to kill as the opponent is forced to waste a valuable bomb on a card that provides no offensive threat or to not be able to kill you, and melira can even be tutored so countering her is impossible
Now we move on to the deciding of how to pack the actual offensive powerhouses this deck is so good at abusing
By looking at the costs of Bloodghast and Vengevine we realize that these should be mostly 3 and 5 drops, because that will make both bloodghast and vengevine work to their full capabillities
here is a small list of options, at the point I am writing this I am honestly unsure whether I will use all of them or not
Glissa, the traitor - she protects birthing pod AND is a 3/3 first striker with death touch
leatherback baloth - 3 mana to withstand the lightning bolt test? I am in, 4/5 for 3 mana isn't bad at all
mirrodin/phyrexian crusader - mirrodin works better in this deck but might keep a couple phyrexian on sideboard for the protection (melira removes infect)
vampire night hawk- flying, lifelink, cost effective, etc etc, this is just a great card
acidic slime - 2 of, in this deck, no questions asked, it removes mimic vat and a whole slew of other annoying devices
baneslayer angel - another very cost effective creature with lifelink and some protections to boot, not to mention a very powerful card against red that should be main decked as much as side here
Next, after these power houses, there are the ramps that make this deck possible. What happens if you don't draw a birthing pod in your opening hand? ramp up and lay one of your many powerful 3 drops on turn 2 and wreck havock, hey come on, this is a classic as far as I am concerned
That being said, the ramps do need to optimize the 3 drop
Lannowar elves- 3 drop optimization
birds of paradise - one of the best 3 drop optimizers in the game
Lotus cobra - most consistant mana producer in the game as far as I am concerned, he also requires an immediate removal from your opponents or he will wreck havok, meaning you have one less thing to worry about for your power houses
Now we add the finishing touches, spells
Creature removal: these spells help us deal with the big creatures are opponents play, so I will go for a mostly black list for now
lets try something like 2 go for the throat, 2 disember
that sounds about right, also on sideboard should be something like a journey to nowhere in case of protection from black
Next we think about adding noxius revival, which is one of my favourite cards from NPH, it can work in any green deck you ever play as a preboard utillity that can do all kinds of thing, from keeping an opponent manascrewed off the card they just discarded, to resurrecting a lotus cobra, to saving your precious vengevine or bloodghast from being exiled by graveyard hate, this card is just flat out amazing
now the only thing left is to build the deck, so here we go
any comments are much appreciated