yeah ok I am going to spend a long time on this, so if you don't care skip it but it will help me make this deck better
Birthing pod is supposedly the new survival of the fittest, it is also crap in most decks unless they are specifically built around it
That leads me to the first weakness of birthing pod, you have to draw it and often if they kill it you are screwed
so that leads me to my first set of cards to add to this deck actually, cards that specifically interact at playing and keeping birthing pod safe, these include mana ramps as playing birthing pod costs atleast 3 mana and 2 life
llanowar elves
birds of paradise
lotus cobra
joraga treespeakers
overgrown battlements
any blue draw card
sign in blood
sun titan
glissa, the traitor
noxious revival
and here is where I stop the list, I think thats most of the major cards I might seriously use in this deck for the purpose of drawing, playing, and keeping in play birthing pod.
next is that the nature of the card demands I sac a creature AND that i summon a creature of 1 mana cost greater
this has to actually be broken into 2 parts
What creatures do I want to sac?
Cadaver Imp (yeah he is good at getting stuff too)
any card with the -x/-x to target creature when is put into the graveyard
any land fetch when put into graveyard
any does anything when put into the graveyard
What creatures are we going to play based on this?
well lets look at our 2 main sacs
Vengevine and Bloodghast
that should say we should focus on cards that sac for 3 and 5 mana
luckily there are several great creatures that meet our needs here
rember glissa from the list above? guess what? 3 mana, she is in
leatherback baloth has the bulk to last so he is another option here
either crusader
Cadaver Imp again, are you seeing what I am here?
vampire night hawk
acidic slime
precursor golem
baneslayer angel
and I am sure there are many others, but thats all I am listing for now
notice however, we want other 4 mana sac's besides vengevine in our deck
here we get part of the reason why i am listing most of the cards i do, pretty early on i decided to make a g/b or a g/b/w
phyrexian obliterator
thrun,the last troll
Abyssal Persecutor (!!!!)
Hero of Bladehold
Hero of Oxid Ridge
and the list goes on and on, but I covered quite a few good cards here
in my opinion, black really shines here with a persecutor I can sac at will for a baneslayer or a acidic slime and a obliterator to make my opponents scared to even attack
another advantage to this deck is that to build it right it requires a carefully planned mana curve, in my opinion that curve should have lots of 1, little 2 (mostly bloodghast), fair amount of 3, and decent amount of 4, fair amount of 5, a few 6s
hey even without the birthing pod, we still have good drops on turn 3,4,5, and 6, good deal right?
maybe even sooner since most of our 1 mana cards are ramps!
so basically my idea is a deck with a green ramp at the base into a birthing pod
then a bloodghast sac fest with birthing pod
that is followed up by a nice flow of 4 mana threats into a good flow of 5 mana threats
and you can get up to 6 mana when you just want to hurry up and finish the game
However, there is a lot of artifact destruction options for the current metagame, so you really MUST protect your pod
what if they play a wrath of god? well that actually can work to our benefit, play that one useless 1 mana ramp you have been holding and sac it for a myr superion, now you have recovered from a wrath of god with an immediate 5/6, not bad right?
so protect your pod and you can win, thats the summary
the colors with the best threats in my opinion are green, black, and white, so they will be the core of this deck
so without further ado, here is my deck list
note this is just a first deck list: so it is not perfect
any comments, help, criticism, etc is much appreciated, and probably much needed >.<
G/B/R version: