Had it listed under the wrong catagory, go me!
Any comments?
Lots of his cards let you add "One mana of any color" IE: Birds, Utopia Tree.
I do think Amulet of Vigor would help you, a lot. Oracle sounds good, for sure. Those two combined would throttle up your deck a whole lot,
I... Like.
looks fun, though getting the right mana out might be a pain, go for some dual lands... W/G, U/B, R/G, W/U B/R I'd say 2-3 of each, just replace some of your basic lands with them.
I was hoping for 20 lands and 40 bolts.
You sir. Are a genius... I was about to say "How do you expect to get them all into your library, once you get the eldrazi out, they'll all die and..." Then it hit me... Those three eldrazi all shuffle back in. Win, now you just have to stay alive long enough for Spawnsire to come out.
And I have two words for you: Broken Mechanic.
So the Rishadan port is to combat man-lands and I suppose to stall decks? Like... tapping their land during their upkeep?
I am soo very tempted to proxy your deck here and annoy the crap out of my friends, heh. You make the most awesome decks.
I know hes not a really low cost card, but... Avenger of Zendikar gives you a healthy number of tokens.
If I might ask a question, since I don't really understand... or I kinda do but am unsure. For the Sensei's Divining Top/Counterbalance combo, are you able to "respond" to a player playing a spell by looking at the top 3 cards of your library etc before the Counterbalance trigger happens?
So deliciously... Evil :)
Gogogo Comment :)
Just found a little lovely I had forgotten about... Ward of Bones... I think it'll will help against creature based decks, a definite sideboard addition.
Hmm, a good point. I'll consider those too.
Very much appreciated :) Any other suggestions by anyone would be great.
Jester! Count! Duke! It all works, Surewhynot was my inspiration essentially to make an extraction deck. plus I love annoying the people I play against :). But Paradox Haze... I like :)
I have a question for you... or rather... an extra advice request... my mana curve seems a little funky with the distinct lack of 3 drop spells... any spell suggestions on the order of that?
21-40 of 58 items