
0 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

I really like this, I used to run a Quest puresteel deck in standard, with a little twist. I'd use heavy arbalest with mass creatures and puresteel's effect to equip arbalest to everything and hit the opponent directly with potentially 20 damage. With mortarpod in play as well, you can swing for 20 with just 7 creatures. You may not have many creatures here, but between kemba and the living weapons, it seems like another viable combo that only requires 1slot for arbalest. It would be cool to find a way to more consistently draw puresteel, like fauna shaman or survival of the fittest. Have you consdered dropping the lotus blooms for a 2-3 mox opals and 4 darksteel citadels? You can abuse the any color mana and help draw not only puresteel but kemba or etched to combo better.

Posted 29 August 2011 at 22:38 as a comment on Modern Puresteel
