And now for some constructive advice: Depending on how mana hungry you become during the game, I would suggest Deprive's over Mana Leaks. I LOVE Mana Leak, it's an amazing card, but it just gets beaten too many times. How often does someone Journey a big card and you say something along the lines of "Man, I wish he didn't have nine mana untapped, otherwise this Mana Leak would be amazing!"? If you find yourself mana starved due to the Deprive's, instead try switching the Cancel's and Mana leaks, or making them 3 and 3 if you want to ensure you see a Mana leak for the early - mid game. Doom Blade is amazing. Keep it. Consume the Meek isn't as good as it could be, so I would instead run Consuming Vapors. One less mana, and it gets rid of that annoying Titan that's been beating you in the face for the past two turns. I would get rid of the Diabolic Tutor's, as they are way to slow for this deck. If you're looking for a piece to the combo on turn four, chances are you've already lost. Instead, I would replace two of them with Little Jace, add one more Big Jace (If you can, if not, add another card of your choice) and add another controlling card; i.e. one more counter, another Doom Blade, etc. Or, if you'd like, you could get another artifact to Shape Anew. Infect is your win condition, and you like the Skithryx and the Plague Stinger's as indicated by previous posts, so I hesitate to suggest taking them out. However, if you do find yourself tiring of them, I would suggest Grave Titan or Frost Titan (Frosty being my favorite, but I hear Zombie Man is a pretty big deal). If you had more draw with the Little Jace's, I would maybe replace two Preordain's with more Control oriented cards, or more ways to Shape Anew so you don't run out of nifty artifacts. Elixer of Immortality is amazing, as well as Accorder's Shield (If you like 0 cost artifacts) or you might want to try a Chimeric Mass. That's a little secret trick right there - the Mass can turn into an alternate win con if you'd like. And it can be tutor'd for with the Trinket Mage, which is just awesome. Also, I would suggest maybe some Brittle Effigy's if you like, as they pose a significant threat on the field and will make most players hesitate to play a big bomb spell if you can just exile it on your turn. That's really all the suggestions I have for you at the moment. I apologize for the massive wall of texts I've left here on your comment board - I'm an English major, I like to write. Good Luck! -BuLLZ3Y3
Gah, wall o' text. Sorry. XD
So a friend and I decided to try this out. He has a U/B Control deck, and I play U/W. He copied your exact deck, proxying what needed to be, and I played my normal deck. Here's how it went down. Since we were both playing control, and I run a lot of fast control (2 drop counters and cheap removal) he waited to play his shape anew until he knew he'd be able to get it off, baiting out my counters with Skithryx and cheap removal (Condemn mostly) with plague stingers. When he felt confident, he played Shape Anew on the chalice and pulled out the BSC successfully. This was turn eight, both of us hitting land every turn. My turn. Played my ninth land, tapped two, and Journey to Nowhere'd the BSC. Then watched him cry for about five minutes. I followed with a Frost Titan and tapped one of his land. Passed turn. He played a plague stinger and passed. I played Venser, he attempted a counter, I deprived it, and attacked, tapping the stinger and a land after the Venser bounce. I won with 3 poison counters on me. It's a great deck idea, I have always loved Shape Anew/Mass Polymorph decks, but it seems to vulnerable with the current removal in Standard. I love the idea with Turn Aside or Dispel, they are really good cards (in specific situations of course). Personally, as I've been playing control over the course of about five years or so, I've discovered one thing in regards to counters - if it doesn't say "COUNTER TARGET SPELL. PERIOD" it's not worth your time. Mana Leak is an amazing card, but it sucks late game. And any good player who knows he/she is playing a control deck is not going to tap out until they have an answer to your counter mana that you left open. Keep working on it, and if either my friend or I come up with other ideas, we'll be sure to let you know. -BuLLZ3Y3
Yeah, the protection is really good. It lets you swing for crazy amounts of damage that would normally be blocked. Like a 24/25 steppe lynx. XD I feel as though your need to draw into big creatures is really severe. I've lost several games with this deck where I just didn't get the turn four Baloth draw I needed. I've had some of the most explosive mana ramp ever, but no big creatures to make use of it. Fauna Shaman could solve that. But so could adding more. I'm going to take out the Adventuring gears for 1 more Baloth and Angel, and I'll report back on how it does. -BuLLZ3Y3
Well it looks good to me. Of course, I don't know much about this type of deck, so I couldn't tell you one way or the other really. Although, I would like to talk about a game I had going earlier today. For some reason the deck decided to hate me and I couldn't draw a big "game-ender" to save my life. So I was stuck there, with a Steppe Lynx and a Lotus Cobra with like, five land. A few turns go by and I now have in my hand two fetch lands, an explore, an emerge unscathed, and a harrow. Needless to say, I dropped all of it and ramped the Lynx to like, 18/18 and swung for the game with protection from all of his mono-black infect creatures. It was very satisfying. The next game I had a turn four Rampaging Baloth. XD This is one of the most fun decks I've played with in a while. Great work man. :D
So, I've been testing this out on Lackey, and I can't seem to get any explosive stuff going. I like the deck a lot, I just can't seem to get it to work. What would be your ideal hand? Just so I know what to mulligan on and what not. Keep up the good work. :)
EDIT: They're called Mul Daya Channelers. My mistake.
Have you considered Channeler's of Mul Daya? I prefer them over their Oracle sisters cause of the different ability. For 3 mana it's either a 5/5 or a 2/2 with [T]: for two mana of any color. Just a thought. Let me know what you think. -BuLLZ3Y3
The problem you have here is that, too start, a 50 card deck isn't legal in any format. Secondly, your odds for drawing the mana or mana accelerants (Everflowing Chalice) is really low. Third, your lacking some staple angel power cards - mainly Baneslayer Angel. BSA should be in every single deck that uses Plains Mana. It's just that good. Serra Angel's are too outdated to be used effectively anymore. For one more mana you could get an Admonition Angel, which is usually the card that ends the game in an Angel match. There are some really good control cards that you might want to look at incorporating into this deck. Condemn, Oust, Brittle Effigy, Journey to Nowhere, and Safe Passage, just to name a few. You've got some good stuff, but you need to look at how your deck is built and try to come up with some better ratios and percentage of drawing what you need.
This deck could use some dual lands (But you want to stay "budget") so they might not be applicable. You should look at more mana-effective counters: Mana leak, to begin. Also, Condemn is probably better than harms way. The ability to remove their big threats is really important. The Negates can probably be sideboarded, and replaced with something less specific. You should also invest in some card draw and scry. Overall, looks pretty good. (Although it's not standard. :P ) -BuLLZ3Y3
Thanks very much for the suggestions Tom! I will definitely change things up and give those a cards a try. :) -BuLLZ3Y3
Prototype Portal and Contagion Engine seem as though they would slow this deck down a bit. Are they entirely necessary? Maybe you could try some Contagion clasps for faster Proliferation? By the way, I like your many fetchlands. :P -BuLLZ3Y3
I already have 25 lands, why do I need to add more? The Sea Gate Oracles are there for the card drawing - having a combo deck doesn't help if I can't get the combo to go off. Thanks for your suggestions. -BuLLZ3Y3
Basically, the overall gist of every comment here is that your deck is, in its' current form, too slow. A good infect deck wins in five turns. A great one wins in three. That should be your goal. Infect is hard to do from a U/B Mana base. You might want to try R/G, as it has the most support spells you can get for a fast aggro deck (which is what you want with an infect deck). I recommend you check out yesterdays article on infect decks. It's a really good deck, and wins in 3-5 turns very easily. Keep on designing decks. :) -BuLLZ3Y3 P.S. Here's the link to that article:
Umm, I would definitely NOT suggest taking out the Glacial Fortresses. Instead, remove 4 basic lands and play Celestial Colonnades. It's pretty cool, all the bounces and what not. You definitely should add Aether Adepts. It goes with your theme very well. -BuLLZ3Y3
The deck looks pretty good there g44r4. I have one more suggestion for you - drop two Seachrome Coasts and put in two more Celestial Colonnades. The Colonnades have saved my life a bunch of times, and help by providing an alternate win condition, which most U/W Control decks need help with. Other than that, I'd say you have one powerful U/W Control deck. :) -BuLLZ3Y3
CAPS LOCK DOES NOT MAKE YOU COOL!!!!1!11!!!!!omFg!!!!!11!! In a serious note, I agree with the deck designer. We need more people to produce intelligent comments that contribute to the help and construction of the deck. And I don't just mean posts like, "hey, u shoud use dis card cuz its like teh bestest" Those comments suck. -BuLLZ3Y3
I forgot to mention this, but you might want some Tectonic Edges, maybe sideboarded. Cause everyone plays with dual lands and man-lands, and being able to destroy those is pretty nice. -BuLLZ3Y3
Get rid of the Seachromes and run 3 more Celestial Colonnades and 1 more Terramorphic. Helps with an alternate win condition AND more Admonition Angel fun. :) I have some Sideboard questions for you. I like what you've done, but what would you sideboard out? It is really helpful to know what you are going to get rid of before you need to sideboard. Also, you're mana curve is a little weird. You have tons of one and two drops, but almost no three drops. Do you find a problem with this, or is it okay? Overall, an excellent control deck. Good work. -BuLLZ3Y3
You're deck seems too...scattered, I believe is the term I'm looking for. It's got a lot of great cards, but needs more cohesion. Instead of mainboarding Naturalizes, Plummet, and Back to Nature, make those side board cards, and put more green Mana ramp in. Let your white cards control. Speaking of white cards, you need some Condemns, Ousts, things of that nature. Iona's Judgment is too costly to be effective. Get more Sunblast Angels, those things are ridiculous. You might want to check into Iona, Shield of Emeria. She is my favorite Angel. Oh, and an Admonition Angel as well. Landfall - Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may exile target permenant. That card is disgusting. Overall, it's decent, but you could definitely get some more control in there. -BuLLZ3Y3
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