I think Green Sun Zenith is strictly better the genesis wave personally - you know exactly what you're paying mana for rather then letting chance decide. My suggestion is to throw in a birthing pod or two so you can pop your Putrefax's that are about to hit the graveyard into Swarmlords. This deck still looks like it rapes face though.
I'm worried about Spine of Ish Sah's insane cost and whether it'll ever actually hit the board.
Also, Skithiryx is a great way to surprise someone with 4 poison counters.
This is going to be tough against another infect deck - you should have in your sideboard another win-condition to trade Vatmother with (incase of tumble magnet debachery). Bone hoard seems out of place and inkmoth nexus is a must. Otherwise this seems like a fun deck. Corrupted Conscience is hilarious ;)
Thanks for the advice - I had consuming vaoprs in because the metagame I'm facing is a lot of white weenie pro black/green decks. I think you're definitely right about the contagion clasps - I'll try taking it out for more spell removal.
I've played against this deck many times to know its a pain in the ass ;)
I was thinking of 2-3 Skinrenders for more removal. 3 -1/-1 counters a turn ain't too shabby with Skinrender & Vensor.
Go For the Throat and Mana Leak are on my list of singles to buy - I currently have none at all. Good suggestion on the Mirrorworks though... That'd be ridiculous good thrown in there.