
4 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

I agree with the previous comment of this having a weak aggro match up. But i dont think its anythong a little burn couldnt fix alleviate. Put in a burn package, nothing fancy, something like 2-3 pyroclasm 3-4 lightning bolt, just to give you some options. With any control, the first rule is hand advantage, without spells, you dont win, so a few card draws will go a long way, Harmonize and or explore would help. Second, since you are playing combo you are going to need some stall. Unfortunately, in modern magic, so few decks play massive amounts of basic lands, take your own land base as an example, meaning that even if you accomplish your goal, it may not guarantee a win being as that you dont have a steady lock and may need more than five turns to take all of their lands out.

Posted 12 April 2015 at 23:45 as a comment on R/G metal
