ha man u have alot of the same ideas i had and im still considering throwing in royal assassins and damnations in mine just incase they get alot of creatures and alot of infect. all in all its great id throw in at least one jace just in case they run out or u need cards as well mine have saved my butt several times. also megrims for more discard dmg and underworld dreams for draw dmg and horrifying revalations is nice one black to discard one and mill one. btw love the magus i may have to get a couple for my deck
i actually have changed a few things since i posted this i added some underworld dreams and i very much like the idea of the hymns ill deffinately be adding some
i considered sacred wolf and it is nice with death touch but once it becomes blocked its easier to kill i eneded up cuttin it out if it had been 3/2 i wouldve kept it. thanx lol
lol i love rhys the redeemed but be careful its a HUGE lightning rod in a token deck being only a 1/1 hes easy to take care of i like the doubling seasons
yeah i have an infinite merfolk deck with all those except the summon the school but i wanted this to be mono blue
ha wicked deck man these morons do need to learn to read what is the point of a sumarry if ur not gonna read it damn. im runnin saps and ive got two infinite decks one merfolk that can be infinite of almost everything and the other based on splinter twins and intruder alarm check em out if u want id love the feedback...and i like abilitities better XD
thats actually not a bad idea ive changed it a bit im gonna update it one of these days
im not saying that people should intentionally make grammatical errors but why point out others mistakes and sorry but physical harm and grammer are no where near the same thing
lol my grammer is quite atroscious
ok i dont neccisarily like the new rules and mana burn never effected me but it made it more interesting by adding that extra element of "how do i best use my mana so that it does not hurt me so badly" and damage on the stack dissappearing is dumb but like some of you have said just play casually with friends and use which rules u wanna follow. and not to be mean but all this people complaining about others grammer...seriously? this is mtgvault.com not imawannabegrammerteacher.com yes im aware ur not supposed to start a sentence with and but i did and theres not alot u can do about it. all in all if u dont like the rules dont play in tournaments or fnm i never do just with friends of like minds who agree on how things should be done
i usually just play for fun my friends and i dont put limits on cards why would u make a card and limit its use like that? i dont get it but no im not really playin it i just mentioned it to a buddy and wanted to see if i could build a deck around it
turn one u play swamp i play a mountain and hit u with lightning bolt for 3 ur at 17. turn 2 u play swamp i play mount. hit with shock twice for 4 ur at 13 . turn 3 u play swamp then rat i play mountain and seering blaze 3 dm to u and ur creature it dies ur at 10. turn four u play swamp and rat i play mountain and hidetsugu's second right dealing exactly 10 dmg i win
actually urs is original in that its the first ive seen with swarm of rats i made a variation of relentless rat deck myself http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=109591
i ordered an essence warden just in case i get green instead of white and ive ordered 3 more thelonite hermit i dont care much for sarpadian empires, vol. VII cause i can produce them quicker and cheaper without it but ive ordered several more cards to make it better as well i cant wait to play it :) why is it that no one ever wants to play against it? lol
i like mine personaly http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=109591
chain reaction
no prob u can also do it on here
nevermind i just checked proliferate does not target so its fine
hmmmmm im not sure but i think u may be right if u choose a permanant i believe that would be targeting it but hell for infinate mana i can use a version of my relentless rat deck just with copper myr instead of leaden myr and the pinnacles the doubling seasons and omnath instead of the rats i didnt even realize the damn thing had shroud i hate shroud i prefer the cards that protect from spells and abilities ur opponent controls but yeah ill change it later
duda aaron Mercedes is right add some kemba
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