
6 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

hello..?? why is uril not in here?? 5/5 cant be targeted by opponents.... put an aura on him he gets +2/+2 per aura hell holy strengh and he gets +3/+4 for 1 white you got a 8/9 that your enemy cant target out.

Posted 31 October 2009 at 06:49 as a comment on RGW deck???


i would add fetch lands for Bloodghast landfall. to reclaim during there turn or other combos like with vampire aristocrat. lacerator and guul draz are not as helpful as u would think. You should play 4 gate keepers and add Quest for the grave lord. Attacking with bloodghast just to have him die is good with quest the fetch lands bring him back during there turn and u can do it again the next turn. Coat of arms isnt much help when you already have nocturnus. You might want to put in Tendrils of corruption for Creature kill and life gain in 1. the problem with vamps is you cant commit right away because u will regret it. if u 4-5th turn nocturnus he will die people are holding there counters/creature kill to stop that. day of J to and since u commited your sunk.. I would throw in mind sludge use that befor you drop nocturnus to make it worth commiting its unlikely they will top deck something to board sweep tho that very thing happend to me 2x i mind sludged this white bane slayer deck had 4 vamps including nocturnus and bam his draw and what is it? day of j and because i commited to the board im top decking and cant make a good stand and game over for me.... 2x in a row 2 games... day of j = death to vamps.

Posted 23 October 2009 at 14:49 as a comment on Vampire 4 turn kill (Standard)
