2x Predatory SliverI mean you need Sliver Legion and Sliver Queen anyway. And I know you said something about budget. so what makes an EDH budget?
Only stole half
and now we got fairly matched decks.
yours is better.
Well be assured it is much appreciated. I'm still bad at adding the correct instants sorceries and enchantments to go with certain creature based decks.
Or unmake.. with a few safe passages.
Oh. Stupid me didnt check the sideboard. Sorry about that.
So... question here... whats the point of the Isolated temples or the urbog, tomb of yagmoth? Also I feel you have a whole lot of unnecessary expenses in there... like the ranger of eos.. sure its great to get out that serra ascension win condition?.. but this deck could be just as great and over 100 dollars less... I just don't get why you need the black..?
I just play casually with my friends I use this website to help me build decks so I can see what they look like Thanks for the input I'll probably change this whole deck around a few times.
Ah sorry fairly new to magic I wasn't aware pauper was a style thought it meant budget or something :p
Honestly as long as you can get heliods pilgrim and midnight guard within the first 4 turns you win. Add coat of arms and a few other elf based cards to it and you're good. And adding Congregation at dawn should raise your chances of getting those two.
61-71 of 71 items