Probably but I don’t have that carc
I will have to look into that card thank you for the suggestion
Send me the link when you do would love to see it
I’m still working on that it’s win cons are lots of spiders or Varaska will let you know once i’ve Played it few more times
I look forward to seeing your version let me know when it’s up
Thank you i’m Glad you like it i’ve Played it a bunch and only lost a few times it’s very fast and if you can blood moon it normally means a fast win
I will soon be getting Sword of Animist, but i will look into the other pieces you suggested
I hadn't thought about that, but its not a bad idea and could actually make the deck work faster, I will look into that
Thanks I'll have a look
Thank you for suggestion on the cards I sadly don't have them but will look into getting them. You are right about the land and I'm still working this out.
The reason I don't have how to play down is I haven't played it yet I finished building it last night and won't be able to play it until maybe next Wednesday
I didn't notice that I accidentally wrote the wrong cards down
this deck is still a work in progress so I am grateful for your suggestions
That is so true
I could see that but what are you considering replacing them with
Looks like a really good deck