coat of paws ???
lol when playing this deck you are going to need a million 2/2 wolf tokens ! :D all jokes aside i like this deck and when raised by Wolfes come out this will rape people bad. maybe get some coat of arms and mass trample givers in here ?
wow thank you, did not know that that card existed. :D
no problem i love tribal decks :D
lol ok it just could look like Spam if people did not read you comments :D
i don't think there exist enough decent gorgons for a pure gorgon deck. by the way try too keep all the stuff you are writing in a single or to comments :).
ehm were to start... first of all i know it will brake the concept, but you have a very high curve so it might help to put some lower cost creatures in this deck. or alternatively if you wanna go with the gorgon thing take out some of the removal (you have wayyyy to much any way) and put in some ramp since you have green in this deck. also as someone already said if you have the money buy some shock lands and/or fetch lands. also another Vraska the Unseen might help. the easiest way to help this deck go a lot longer now with little expenses is to take out A LOT of removal and put in some ramp and if it does not have to be gorgons put in some lower cost creatures.
ty i did not know what Voracious Dragon was (i am kinda new to magic) i will switch out the quest for the goblin lord i favor Illusionist Bracers but what do you think i should switch out for Voracious Dragon ?
thanks never considered that :D.
Btw i looked at your infect deck (very good deck) and i kinda got inspired, i am thinking that if i take out Plauge stinger i am gonna need a another Creature with infect maybe Ichorclaw Myr. but i hate to take out that flying infect. do you have an idea ?
hmmm i like the effect of Wild Defiance it is awesome with this deck. but with that said it is a little slow and taking out plague stinger would make another problem, that being a lack of infect creatures a problem this deck already have. To start with i have put it in the side deck i will test it later. thanks for the responds :D.
Thanks for the reply :D
You are right but what do you think i should replace him with ? i am thinking Caterwauling Boggart. thanks for the response.
Keening Stone is just lethal with Mind grip :D.
i like your deck alot, i never actully thought of using mill to buff creatures.
i really like its potential for great damage because of traumatize. maybe take some dual lands for better mana fix.
Divination is ok, i cant remember any other right now unless you wanna go full troll mode and play enter the infinite just for fun :D
nice deck i. i would add more to pump mana into cus you have crazy ramp or maybe just some card draw cus you will be card starved quickly. maybe consider Triumph of Ferocity for card draw and Increasing Savagery because you can easy play both normal and flashback in 1-2 turns.
Hello this is my modern goblin token deck'd appreciate any feedback because my deck building skills are bad to say the least :D.
yeah thats right xD. the onlyreally weak thing is if you are up against another fast deck say ( not my deck btw)
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