Here's a build for all of you graveyard lovers out there. Even though it has a lower learning curve and less interaction, manaless drege is consistently one of the top decks in legacy (by lower learning curve I don't mean it's easy to play, or play well at that, I mean that it's easier for a new player, or a new legacy goer to pickup, compared to, say, Death and Taxes). This is actually the legacy deck I tote around to local Legacy events or when I play with my friends, and it's got some potent draws.
First thing you should know: Manaless Dredge is by no means the easiest deck to play or the best deck to play. Depending on your meta, you may be absolutely screwed, or you may take it by storm.
Now the goal of any Dredge deck, whether it's LED style, Manaless, or Vintage, is to get as many cards as you absolutely can into your graveyard. From there, you usually have a few different lines to victory.
Getting There:
First things first: We have to get the cards in the graveyard. So we're going to go over the 4 possible ways. 1) Play Balustrade Spy and target yourself. If you can chain the Dark Rits together off a Lotus Petal, you can go off on the spot. 2) Bin a dredger and replace your draws with dredges, rinse, repeat. Probably the easiest way to go about it, but not as explosive and impressive as the first. 3) Bin Phantasmagorian. This allows you to essentially discard your hand. Discard the three, announce you're discarding the three in response, so you leave Phantasmagorian in the graveyard, and you ditch the hand. 4) The slowest and most boring is the traditional draw step, discard step routine. Boring, slow, and simple.
Once you've done the above, winning is simple. You can sac the Narcomoebas, Nether Shadows or Ichorids that have made their way to the battleground to Dread Returns flashback, triggering Bridge from Below in your graveyard giving you 3 zombie tokens, allowing you to first bring back Flayer of the Hatebound, then bring back Golgari Grave Troll, bashing face for anywhere from 30 to 40 and winning. There are other ways, but this is the safest route to take if possible.
Note: You can also bash face with Ichorid early on if you can get him out, but usually they'll have creatures to stop you from pinging them with him.