I really like that idea. I was looking for more removal to replace kill shot, so I'm pretty pumped for that! And I didn't even think of Genesis Hydra, fits perfectly. Thanks! I'll try to post results as soon as I get all the cards.
I dig the decklist and I run a similar build, although I'm confused as to why you're using Evolving Wilds. You could get the same effect by cutting them and changing the manabase around to add in a few more basics and fetches. Other than that it looks pretty solid.
Huh that's weird. For Tempered Steel you could drop two of 2 drops you have down to a 3 of, without really affecting the curve very much. I'm not sure how cutting Islands would work, but that would leave all of the 4 ofs intact in order to keep the consistency with creatures, but it depends on how the lands are working when you initially draw. It will probably boil down to just drawing a bunch of sample hands to see how it feels and what you like better
If you really want to go on the beat down path with your artifacts, then Tempered Steel would be a solid card to splash in for, and you could go half and half on it and the Myr Retriever, giving you a side of both, while keeping the mana curve about the same. What budget are you wanting to keep this on? For around a dollar on TCG Player you can get one of the most explosive artifact beat down cards in Cranial Plating, which would cause your draws to be explosive by turn 4 if it's in your opening grip.
Combining this idea with Sanguine Bond would be downright nasty!