Are you looking for reccomendations?
I'm confused what this deck is going for?
thank you, I'm fairly new to modern
Eh, I'm gonna test this out a bit. I really don't like running the four collected companies and I wanna see how this works. And the reason I'm running the Helix's is because of the stupid amount of damage I take. I'll test out how it runs with what you reccomended if I do indeed need it. Also I'm making this mostly for fun. Very helpful though, I'll probably come back to this. Also took the lands out cause I wanna have it be a little cheaper
Do you think I have enough white for the flare?
Yeah, this title is a ton more accurate now, my main concern is the sideboard since it's been solid mainboardc
Also I would consider $100 more to be too much
Sooooo, run a different deck? I mean I know my description and all, but that is a different deck entirely. And I do have one brimaz as is, just not on this list. It should be titled green devotion with white to be honest
Honestly the only really pricey stuff to this deck is the shaman's and the cariyatids. The rest are a dollar or less
Alright, by the way something you should know is the wooded foothills is not necessary. It's just there because I had one lying around and if I built this I would put that in it. Maybe add a mountain in place of it
You should play it and tell me how it turns out. I just wanted to make the list. I'm curious how it'd turn out
I might just cut red, if you have more then one shaman out you can use him for the mana. Thing is this was just a fun deck idea I had this morning XD wasn't expecting a comment
A bit yes, I'm debating taking some land out honestly. The ramp can do well enough and I can add more things that'll add more devotion then just one. Maybe add some more hydras instead. Heroes Bane might get a playset just because it can be buffed turns I can't do anything else if I get stuck in that situation.
Just to play out creatures when I can. This is not meant to be competitive, more of just to get out those five color creatures you never see
With the way I am going to play this deck it doesn't matter which I use. I wouldn't be making those tokens. Also she's $50 and overlord is roughly $20, so no thank you. But now that you bring that up might as well put it a sliver hivelord in place of a Artisan of Kozilek.
I also have the problem of relying too much on Assault Formation, I need some more alternatives to help me out but I'll definitely take those and put those in.
Ok then all set, thanks a lot
There we go, took away some forests added more striking sliver and a necrotic sliver
I believe I've done what you thought could help out
Thank you for the advice, I'll try and update the list today taking that into consideration however I am trying to keep this at a 60 card deck if possible. I'll try and work with that, unless you think there's a better way to do that with sticking to 60 cards
21-40 of 40 items