getting back on my feet after taking a few years off from the vault, and it feels good.
i put this deck together yesterday because my animar EDH is geared to combo off turn 6 or 7, making it fun and good in 1v1 but hated and a drag to play in multiplayer. considering that people in my play group play more multiplayer than 1v1, i needed a multiplayer edh deck.
NOTE: this is a deck i actually own, and therefore it is not as good as it could be -- i do not have the insanely expensive and/or hard-to-come-by cards that would take it to it's maximum potential, unless i obtained them while they were still inexpensive/fairly common.
some cards i would run if i had them include smokestack, stronghold assassin, wurmcoil engine, bitter ordeal, phyrexian altar, thoughtpicker witch, nezumi bone-reader, gravepact, pox, sadistic hypnotist, krovikan horror, tar fiend, mortican beetle, mind slash, golgari rotwurm, fleshbag marauder, generic expensive and powerful lands, etc.
1/28/14 -- dropped pharikas mender for soul of the harvest (needed more draw, dont have harvester of souls), dropped chalice for sad bot (felt like i'd rather have the color-producing land than the variable colorless and bot is value-sacable even though it doesn't trigger savra), and dropped necrogenesis for craterhoof (necro is good but too slow for my taste, i'd rather just go in for the kill. and there's no kill like overkill, and no overkill like the crater creator)
play things, sac things, reuse, redo, recycle, repeat.
This list is a very rough draft and i've only playtested it a few times, but it's a ton of fun. I have two main concerns so far: one is that i don't have enough sac outlets. i had to suspended CotC to use as a sac outlet once, which is so wrong. my second concern is that i don't have enough win cons. once i establish a dominant board position, i often find myself with nothing to do but try to rack up damage with bloodghast and the like, giving the opponent plenty of time to draw an answer, which ultimately results in my loss. not really sure what would work for said win cons.