This deck uses cards that sacrifice lands in return for other lands so that, after dumping massive amounts of land into your graveyard, you can planar rebirth, followed up by a rude awakening for the win.
it has the potential to cast rude awakening Turn 4 with 11 lands. here's how that would happen:
T1: windswept heath, tap & sac, search for forest, crop rotation, windswept heath, tap & sac, search for forest, crop rotation, windswept heath, tap & sac, search for forest, crop rotation windswept heath, tap & sac, search for forest, crop rotation, flagstones.
T2: land, Planar rebirth.
T3: forest, harrow(search for 3 plains, one from flagstones, 2 from harrow), explore, play another land
T4: rude awakening.
Just an idea, i dont expect this to be good considering it is a first draft. but i do beleive it can get there. and it looks super fun to play.