Fun deck idea based off one of the pre-release kits, end game is to win through your gods hitting them or sandwurm convergence, can be a slow deck to work with, but has the possibility of hitting Sandwurm out on turn 5. Plenty of all round board control in the mainboard, usually prone to early game decks/ recursion and burn. This is a deck based purely on Amonhket cards.
Deck could undergo changes to splash red to take out boards that go wide, but i think it takes the element of it too much and makes it harder to work.
Strategy - Rhonas turned online by Kefnet, Oketra turned by start tokens/ wurm (gods help to secure creatures on board, (rhonas turned on by buffed creatures also) Kefnet is a beefy blocker that can be utilised for card draw/ threaten blockers on defensive by bouncing lands etc. Cartouche + trial for draw power/ multiple creature sacs, (also makes terrifying flyers/ deathtouch.
Safety cards
Compulsory rest used against gods or big creatures that are difficult to kill e.g. ulamog.
Trial - explained earlier.
Wasteland scorpion - decent blocker can be cycled.
Start/ finish - blockers, turning on Oketra weenie kills or sac outlets for finish.
Winds of rebuke - temporary removal of problem cards.
Cast out - instant speed lockdown of problem cards. (Cycling for early game)
Commit//Memory - More problem card removal/temporary spell counter, anti-mill tech.
Draw/ counters
Cancel - initially essence scatter, problems found later on so was replaced, placed over failure due to spell specific, censor useless late game, 90% of the time would be used for cycling and at 2 is sub-optimal.
Hieroglyphic - great draw spell, 1 mana cycle = win/win
Pull from tomorrow - do you like the potential of drawing 10 cards in one turn?
Endgames/ creatures/ others
Kefnet - draw powah, scary blocker
Oketra - Just build an army.
Rhonas - 7/5 wurms, Bigger gods with trample?
Fetid pools, irrigated farmland, scattered groves - mana fixing is important, don't need it? Cycle!
Evolving wilds - mana fixing important.
Disposess - aetherworks, dynavolt, gearhulk, metalwork etc.
Manglehorn - artifact decks, stalls combos,
Trespasser's curse - great against zombies/ recursion, token based decks, drain to help us survive, one of few multi applicable use life gain cards.
Haze of Pollen - We don't like aggro decks.
Approach of the Second Sun - drawn out game, surprise alternate win con.
Dusk//Dawn - Useful when zombies go hard.
Extra sideboard changes-
Cancel +2
Lay bare the heart +3
Never/ Return +2
Watchers of the dead +2 (delirium + graveyard recursion)
Luxa river shrine +3?
Heaven/ earth +2??