
6 Decks, 24 Comments, 5 Reputation

i've actually followed your lead after playtesting my version and added another 2 Primeval Bounty (from 1 to 3), that card is just bonkers for value! Every card becomes a live draw. How do you deal with other creature heavy decks like R/G monsters etc? I'm assuming side in Jace's and Essence Scatter?

Posted 07 March 2014 at 11:42 in reply to #444370 on Primeval Evolution


I love it! Prophet of Kruphix is one of my favourite cards in the format and certainly one of the most underplayed power cards. Have you thought about Sylvan Primordial instead of Tromokratis? Lets you destroy god's weapons, Detention Sphere's, planeswalkers and failing all else, your opponents lands while ramping you at the same time. This is my take on the same key card (Prophet) but with the addition of black for shenanigans.

Posted 05 March 2014 at 14:37 as a comment on Primeval Evolution


you may want to consider unravel the aether in your sideboard because white decks will side in rest in peace against you which seems pretty bad for your deck

Posted 05 March 2014 at 14:24 as a comment on BuG Reanimator


Hmmm i do like this deck quite a lot! For myself I think I might change a few bits and pieces around to make it modern legal. Have you thought about running Dash Hopes in place of Darkness?

Posted 04 March 2014 at 01:28 as a comment on It's how you Torpor the Worm


An un-answered Delver is definitely a game-winning card - especially if the deck is built around preserving said Delver via counterspells and the like. What format are the tournaments that you're playing it in? The removal of Ponder would open this deck up to play in Modern where I can see it would probably be at it's best - Legacy is just too powerful to run it in it's current state. That said, the deck looks like a lot of fun to play and is well within budget for newer players which is awesome! Good work and good luck with the deck in future games.

Posted 28 January 2014 at 12:46 in reply to #432203 on [Budget] Blue Deck Win's


In the end after playtesting it somewhat I took out the Renegade Krasis and Gyre Sage in favour of Savageborn Hydra (seriously brutal if you have a Master Biomancer out) and Mistcutter Hydra to give me something I can cast iat any point and still have it be a threat.

Posted 12 November 2013 at 10:15 in reply to #406105 on RUG Prophet of Shenanigans


It would depend on the local meta-game but I run 2 Contaminated Ground in my sideboard of my Grixis control deck to counter things like the R/G aggro deck revolving around Nyxthos. "What's that? Your Nyxthos is actually a swamp? That's nice."

I would also look at dropping the Mutavault's in place of some swamps because hitting that double black for Des Demon and Hero's Downfall is crucial for this build and with 7 creatures that are immediate threats that have to be dealt with for the opponent you don't need them for a win con.

How do you feel about Read the Bones instead of Opportunity? The ability to build what you draw more than just drawing 4 potentially useless cards is kind of useful.

Posted 12 November 2013 at 10:11 as a comment on I Don't Like your Everything


Thoughtseize says no to annoying stuff like Sphinx's Revelations and enchantments which removal in the form of Doom Blades, Far/Away etc does not.

Posted 12 November 2013 at 10:02 in reply to #409775 on I Don't Like your Everything


To fit in Jace I would be dropping Hythonia and 1 Niv-Mizzet - it's control so you don't need a lot of creatures and Aetherlings more than fill that spot. Jace would allow your creatures to survive using his +1 or allow you to draw into them more easily. There's nothing more satisfying than -2 Jace and revealing 2 Aetherlings and a counterspell/removal and watching your opponents face fall.
Otherwise I'm loving this deck and thinking about playing a variation of it myself.

Posted 22 October 2013 at 04:20 in reply to #405471 on Grixis Control


This deck is awesome! I'm now building one of my own (although potentially with a few small changes ie now Scalding Tarn or Volcanic Island due to cost) and can foresee myself enjoying many hilarious games in the future with it :)

Posted 19 December 2012 at 15:58 as a comment on Lady Luck


Looks pretty damn good! The only thing I would add in there is a Jace, Architect of Thought - him with Tamiyo out is a god-awful combo to go against and can be so damn powerful...

Posted 07 November 2012 at 15:27 as a comment on Tamiyo's Revelation


charm only works when sublime attacks and gets the exalted buff from itself, other than that it's still only a 4/3...i guess you could rancor it then remove it...
I'm def going to have to put in some rootbound, i like the sound of it cos bonfires annoy me something chronic

Posted 30 October 2012 at 15:45 in reply to #300380 on green/white aggro


Nice deck! I'm building a similar style currently, I love how it plays.
Just out of curiosity, how useful have you found Nevermore as a sideboard card? What do you side it in against? I've used it a few times and found it iffy at best (although it was quite entertaining naming Thragtusk against an opponent and it turned out they had 3 in hand!). The other sideboard card I was wondering about was Rootbound Defenses - have you found it useful? I'm using Plummet atm to deal with the nasty angels out there as well as Niv-mizzet/Thundermaw.
This is my version of the same style deck, I'd appreciate any suggestions you care to make if you view it.

Posted 30 October 2012 at 12:09 as a comment on green/white aggro


If you're going enchantment control you would surely want Arrest and Pacifism in there...also maybe a Sphere of Safety to stall them once you hit 5 mana.
This is my take on the same theme - it's not powerful in standard format but when it comes together it's kind of hilarious to play with.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 07:19 as a comment on UW enchantment


Also having the tokens from it gives you something to populate with trostani.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 02:38 in reply to #300020 on Bant Chalice


I would maybe consider Cackling Counterpart. You have Parallel Lives and Trostani, play a Thragtusk to gain 8 life then Cackling Counterpart it to get 2 Thragtusk tokens and gain a further 16 life (as well as having 3 5/3 beasts that generate 3/3's when killed...)

Posted 29 October 2012 at 02:36 as a comment on Bant Chalice


Pacifism/arrest/defang - stops them attacking you while at the same time buffing your guy swinging with the armor. Maybe Knightly Valor from RTR if you don't want to go more control and instead want to hit things although the mana could be a bit steep.

I've got a deck with a similar concept, using U/W and Invisble Stalker in Armor to hit them.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 02:26 as a comment on Ethereal Arm(or)y
