ops, you're right, mind playing tricks on me lol ill look into the cascade cards! thanks :D
althou due to the amount of lands on the deck it might not cascade much haha
cascades are nice to play a low mana tutor! ill check those out and try to add the ones that fit better :D
Portal is too slow, the game should be over by the time i have 6th land :D Sterling Grove would be awesome to have! but it has that green cost, maybe we can figure it out a smooth way to get that in
Awesome ideas man, added lim dul and bessech. The transmute from brainspoil fits like a glove! also mystical tutor is a one drop so its definitely worth tutoring a tutor. Academy rector is great too, ill think of something to kill it and ill add as well. thanks again!
maybe ill add some counters to stop your disenchant lol :D
tutor, battle of wits, go! FEEEEAAAARRR huhuahuaha
im getting rid of the excessive lands as im getting new ideas and adding new cards, ill work my way to have it balanced :D
i have trench gorgers on this deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=300182 usually i use him when i got at least 4 lands down cause its all that needs, so he comes 16/16, but most of the time hes destroyed by the time he hits the table
wow how come i have forgotten demonic tutor! added, keep the ideas coming!
if the trench gorger eat all is the islands the deck would go under 200 cards so i couldnt win with battle of wits ;/
thanks for the input! will make the changes
just put in all the "any card tutors" and enchantment tutors, the rest are lands... if you know anything else that would make this run faster i can add :D
quest for ula's temple is a must for a levi deck! check out mine http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=300182
true story! see ya saturday night man! and beware of nicol bolas!
wow Bibery rocks! i missed it, going to add
21-36 of 36 items