Take out Death's Shadow~ U need to play coat of arms. Its a necessity in that deck. I dont thing you need animated death either. Its a good card. just not for your deck. its more off a card for wither decks. Put in more rats for them ^_^ Other wise nice build~~
Ya its a very very popular combo now. ^_^
Its so not legal with Demonic tutor and Tinker but nice deck ^_^
Awesome deck!! You should put in some Tome Scour. ^_^
Im not sure that this deck will work the way you thing. The concept is amazing~~~ and can work but leveler with wheel of sun and moon wont work because leveler says remove cards and wheel of sun and moon says that if a card would be put in the graveyard. I think if u took leveler out and put more enchantment hate spells instead of sac'ing your creatures then put more powerful creatures. ^_^
I would put Megrim in but the point of the deck was life gain more than anything. Plus if I was gonna put megrim in I'd want to put 4 in and Im not sure what I'd take out for them. Im gonna try and figure out what I could take out for it cause that is an interesting idea and Im gonna test it out ^_^ Thank you for the suggestion!!