Love the deck, there's a few cards I could think of though. Sorin Markov, Sengir Vampire, Coat of Arms, Rakish Heir, or Exsanguinate. You could possibly get rid of Phylactery Lich (Doesn't fit the theme), Solemn Simulacrum (Same), Ring of Xathrid (Don't really think that it's that good). I'd really appreciate comments on an EDH deck of mine if you have the time.
Really good deck. I don't know if it goes with the deck idea, but you could add a Nicol Bolas to the deck to give you something that costs 7+ to play. I'd love comments or you can get ideas from a similar deck of mine I'd also love ideas for another deck of mine if you have the time,
Not exactly sure what Akroma is doing in here. Ya she's a morph creature but you can't flip her without red mana. There's other morph creatures you can get. You can look at this site for a list of morph cards. Also, I'd really appreciate ideas on a Red/Blue deck I'm working on if you have the time.
Really like the deck, you could consider putting in Illusionary Servants. You could consider Boomerangs or Unsummons as well. I'd love some ideas for a Blue/Red deck I'm working on if you have the time
Love this deck, I have a deck similar to it that you can look at for ideas. I would definitely consider adding a Harvester of Souls and some Blood Artists. Also I'd love ideas on a Blue/Red deck of mine if you can,
Wow, this is a great deck. Well done. I would consider using a regular Liliana Vess as well. I'd love ideas on a Blue/Red deck I'm building,
All in all, I love the idea, and I think you put it together well. I'd love some ideas for a blue/red deck of my own
I would add something that allows you to search your library for your vent sentinel since you rely on it so much.
You can also check my artifact deck for ideas if you want.
Just a couple suggestions: 1. Have you thought about adding more big creatures? I know Master of Etherium will get big but you might need something else. 2. Have you thought about the card Leonin Abunas? For 4 you get a 2/5 that basically gives all artifacts you control hexproof. 3. Sharding Sphinx: Whenever an artifact you control deals combat damage to a player put a 1/1 flying Thopter into play. So when your etched champions come through you'll get a free creature.
or maybe just throw in a couple incinerates or thunderbolts from your sideboard
Also you might benefit from a few more burn spells. There's a little known burn spell that I'm a big fan of, called Book Burning. You might want to use a couple of those. You don't have to keep your deck at 60 cards so you could just throw a couple in, or any other burn spells.
You might want to consider adding a Havengul Vampire or a Nearheath Stalker. Both are fairly good red vampires.
Definitely going to add Darien, but I've tried the other 2 and they don't work very well with the deck.
Ezuri, Renegade Leader has an activated ability that is Overrun
Hey thx, I'm definitely going to get my hands on an Indomitable Archangel and definitely a Mycosynth Golem.