not really a rats deck .. but none the less decent build
made a few edits with singles I got a hold of and spares I looked through, let me know what you think.
cheers dude, made a few edits now might be able to grab him a little faster
good shout, will sideboard it for now.
well all the unblockable applies for all the creatures in the deck so small ping damage can be useful. I don't see how life gain extends the amount of time it would take to win ? surely if they drop to one life the life total they had previous doesn't matter and then sac to deal 1 damage = the win instantly no matter what life gain they have. and if they do try to pull out instant speed life gain sac in response and win either way ? i see your point about the amount of cards I have that would be useless if the game went too long I will look into draw spells . probably going to edit this. after a few more plays but for a 10 min build from spares and trades with friends cant complain 100% wins so far ( ive been lucky )
not a bad call, I was thinking potentially adding in Barrage of expendables in its place instead I have 4 or 5 laying about not used.
this is true only issue is Ninjutsu is more mana spent whereas this way its all trigger abilities and turn 5 I win kind of play.
Good shout. just made this out of cards I already had haha will look to add the fanatics in and probably replace the bombardment with them, as for arsonist its just there to have a nice turn one guaranteed damage so ill have to have a look around some potential replacements.
opinions ?
It might be worth adding primal vigor some where ?