I would consider putting Cobra Trap in there (I have a few) I also have Druid's Call which I think would really help on your Devour guys Also Supply // Demand would be really good if you can get your hands on it.
If youre going to have every expensive card like Black Lotus in there, why did you put in Cancel instead of Counterspell?
You might want to add Vedalken Engineer just to speed things up a little bit. Other than that, its a pretty good deck and an interesting combo
Since most of the creatures do damage based on tapping and doing damage, I would take out the Merrow Levitator. Youre direct damage guys will take care of nearly any flyer, and you probably will never need to attack with this deck. Also Cathartic Adept might need to be taken out. he is really good if you know what the opponent is going to be drawing, or if you have a bunch of decking cards. Actually him with a bunch of untapping cards would make a pretty good decking deck, but just not as great in this deck. Overall though, it seems like a good deck.
Id assume that you dont have Tolarian Academy in there cause its $25. I would reccomend that sometimes the cheapest cards (mana and $$) are just as good, if not better. Especially in this deck. Since you are trying to get a bunch of artifacts in to play quick, I would replace Darksteel Forge and Filigree Angel for cheaper equipments like bonesplitter and such. Also since you have guys that are going to be really strong, you might want to add Nemesis Mask because then you might kill all their creatures at once, leaving them wide open
True, but if I replace Harrow with klahi heart expidition, then Id get 4. Plus in this deck the two mana isnt really that useful. I just think that it would be better. Thanks for the suggestion though
Well, I was thinking about adding Explosive Vegetation or Khalni Heart Expedition because Harrow would really only give me one more land. Probably Khalni Heart Expedition would work better since a lot of my creatures get land into play too
Yeah, the only problem with those is that you have to spend about $100 on the deck to just get one more land out of your deck than normal. I just dont think that its worth it
I always found that Belltower Sphinx is great for defense. Brain freeze would also work pretty well considering that a lot of your spells dont cost that much Id also consider Induce Paranoia, but that might not work that great for your deck
I would say that this is a pretty good deck, but you really have to make sure that its shuffled before each game, because if you get mana screwed. Youre not going to have the chance to get set up
I would replace a Matble Chalice with a Fog. Gaining one life a turn isnt worth it when you can prevent a ton of damage. Also the giant spider (or even a stronger spider) might be good so you can protect against flying.
I dont think that shield of the oversoul will be as good as steel of the godhead. Most people dont destroy my guys, and even if they do, I have so many that I dont really care that much. I also had jhessian infiltrator, but i decided to replace him with Jhessian Balmgiver considering that he can make any of my guys unblockable. I definetly need finest hour though, I didnt even know that the card existed. That and another Rafiq and maybe another Stoic Angel.
Well, I just recently traded him for a Dual Nature for my beast deck. So I think it was worth it. I do agree that I could use another one in there though
Yeah, thats for sure. I just need to buy him....and...yeah.....no moolah
Lol, thank you. Most people hate this deck, but it sure is fun to play
You need more variety