
by BrainDamage on 16 May 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (2)

Artifacts (4)

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Deck Description

Standard black/red direct damage deck with a instant kill shot tucked away in it... very aggressive. The instant kill is Bloodchief Ascension + Mindcrank, then all I have to do is a little damage and it's over.

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 19,016 times.

Mana Curve

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Diabolical

I'm not sure what spellskite is for? If you're looking to redirect a counter or something for your spells, it doesn't work like that.
Also, I'm fairly certain that I would do something like this:

-2 spellskite (not amazing in this deck, especially b/c of the way I'm going to change it)

-4 Spitfire a 3 mana 1/3 that relies on the next turn being able to cast a burn spell, ON THEM, not their creatures, soulds shitty.

-4 Kiln Fiend, see above about "instant" based pumps

-4 Lacerator - again, I think that b/c of the way I'm changing it, you'll have a lot more burn, and you'll be replacing these creatures with spells that fit the theme better, so a 1 drop 2/2 that loses YOU life, doesn't seem amazing to me.

then onto changing around spells
-2 Galvonic Blast - You'll never have MC for it
-2 Burst Lightning - you won't have enough time to kick it well enough to be effective
-2 doom blade (sideboard tech if you'll need instant speed spot removal)
-2 go for the throat (see above)
+3 black sun (better board clearing early / mid game that will stall you out until you wreck their face. :)
+4 arc trail
+3 Inquisition of Kozilek
+3 despise
+4 sign in blood
+3 dismember
+2 koth

This gives you a better chance to slow them down until you can win with bloodchief.
it give you koth to help deal lots of dmg by tapping mountains.
Also, the Inquisitions and Despises will make up for an early game problem (say for instance, you get out their lotus cobra, or their stoneforge.
Arc trail is much nicer in that it it can hit multiple targets, killing say a steel overseer, or a birds of paradise, AND you get to hit 2 on them to get a counter on bloodchief

on the other hand, you could run like a black red removal goblins deck? :) like consisting purely of kill spells and burn spells, then run like 4 goblin guides and other shit.

Idk, it's up to you, but I think inquisiton is just an absurdly broken good card, and it'd be a shame not to run it.

Posted 16 May 2011 at 21:42


you asked me to check out your deck, so i checked it out. :) let me know what you think? :)

also, here is how i'd make your deck:


Posted 16 May 2011 at 21:49


I have the creatures in there mainly as blockers. The whole point of having galvanic blast is so that I can do 2 damage to set off the Bloodchief Ascension. Also I put the Vampire Lacerator in there because I can drop them turn 1, turn 2 I can drop a Bloodchief Ascension then attack with the lacerator to add a counter to bloodchief ascension, then on their turn I can direct damage them to add another counter. Then on turn 3 I can attack again, then drop mindcrank, and then during my end step after a counter has been added burn them again and its game over. Quick like that. I actually own this deck and I have had very good draw hands with it so its pretty solid but I am taking your advice into consideration. I actually have a lot of the cards that you mentioned sitting off to the side because I am still considering some of them.

Posted 16 May 2011 at 21:57


Arc Trail is a really good idea when I keep thinking about it, the only thing I don't like is that it costs 2 mana and its a sorcery. Speed is what I am going for, your suggestions are good and I find them useful. The only thing is that I feel your version is geared toward a longer lasting game where I am trying to bum rush with an all out attack. I understand that this doesn't work but from all the standard tournaments that I have played so far people aren't really prepared for all out direct damage. They seem prepared for creatures seeing how people try posion their opponent to death. The only thing I am worried about is black/blue control with Jace but I am hoping I can duke it out with them and have them waste most of their counter and kill spells. I just hope coming out strong can finish most of the decks this upcoming tournament, I also am counting on people using the phyrexian mana cost as well so that will ultimately help me win.

Posted 16 May 2011 at 22:28


I like the deck, i would suggest adding some ball lightnings for direct damage

Also some black suns zeniths

The above guy was correct :P

Posted 16 May 2011 at 22:11


Well, first of all, I highly recomend adding in the other manland. 4 of them. I forget their name, but they're from worldwake and they're black red. they'd get in for damage to help bloodchief, and also they provide early blockers in the case that you should need them.

I don't feel you really need the creature base you have. Like the first comment, you'd be better off with a mainly spell main deck, and a neat trick is to have kiln fiend in the board. after they side out all of their removal, he'll hit them hard (:

with black, a reallly good way to get things going is inquisition of kozilek, and despise. a lot of decks are so fragile now, that even just getting a preordain can really mess up your opponent. and control decks will probably be a tough matchup for you.

so, whats good sideboard tech for control decks? :D reverberate!! they want to mana leak something? not today! re-direct theyre mana leak towards their own mana leak, counterting itself. it's pretty swell for red.

but in the main, some really good spells to look for are;
slagstorm, to clear the board.
possibly pyroclasm
arc trail
volt charge (to proliferate your ascension)
I think geth's verdict can go for a despise or a go for the throat, that way you target them,
anddddd, tumble magnet :D
tumble magnet is so good against a lot of decks now adays. it buys you time, and it prevents a lot of titan's "attack triggered" abilities.

also; black sun's zenith. they're just too good against aggro. 2 main, 2 board

so, hope I helped. (:

Posted 16 May 2011 at 23:14


I'm not so sure it actually works to reverberate a Mana Leak onto itself. Mana Leak needs a legal target to counter and I'm not sure the same spell itself can be targeted by itself because at the time you choose targets, it's not a legal target yet. Idk if this really makes sense, but point is, you can't target a counterspell with itself (I think, though rules may have changed).

Despite all of that... I agree with some things like the Manlands - Lavaclaw Reaches. Those are awesome in the lategame which your deck seems to be lacking a bit. I don't however agree with all the comments to cut your creatures as the point of this deck is to have quick, efficient creatures and beat down with them. Arc Trail is wonderful and in a pinch you can even target yourself for 1 damage if the board is clear and you need to punch through that last 1 damage.

Another card that works pretty nicely I think is Staggershock. It works nicely with your Ascension as well as it is two turns of damage almost guarenteed. Also, Volt Charge would work guite well, also. Along with the proliferation theme, Tezzeret's Gambit helps you reload while also helping proliferate. Red and Black usually don't have too much for card draw and for 2 life and 3 mana, you can have that. Having more card draw lets you draw into your combo better, too.
The last two cards I'll suggest are planeswalkers. Koth and Liliana. Liliana lets you complete your combo pretty nicely. Hope this helps a bit without completely changing the deck.:/
As for what to remove... Not terrible sure, though the double black on Geth's Verdict looks like it would stink to try to deal with..

Posted 17 May 2011 at 00:48


...redirect mana leak to reverberate then, lol

Posted 17 May 2011 at 01:54


Same problem sort of... Mana Leak has to target something on the stack, but because of how Reverberate would work, as Reverberate resolves, it leaves the stack leaving Mana Leak with nothing to target. Not sure if that was clearly worded really... But I'm pretty sure that's right. You may want to check with an actual judge or something, but I'm just not thinking it works like that.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 07:12


Wow... Forget all that I just said. I was thinking of Redirect. Reverberate actually makes a copy of the spell (I think I was mixed up from your initial description, "re-direct theyre mana leak towards their own mana leak, counterting itself.") Redirect effects do not work. However, since Reverberate simply makes a copy, it does work.:/ Guess I shouldn't have just assumed but there are plenty of red cards that have redirection effects. But now that that's sorted out... Use Reverberate to counter counters if you want. lol

Posted 17 May 2011 at 07:18


I actually thought about reverberates too, I have 4 of them and they work nicely to copy spells. I could easily copy a counter spell and hit them or I can copy a lightning bolt and do 6 damage divided between 2 targets for 3 mana. Stagger shot is something I wanted to throw in here, my local magic card store was out of them and I am sorting through tooooo many cards of my own to find them. rebound seems like a solid mechanic for helping the ascension. I am still considering Inquisition of Kozilek and despise but I am afraid that would slow the deck down. Red Sun's Zenith and Black Sun's Zenith I both like but to get Black Sun's Zenith going takes a lot of mana. If they can get something big out then that can be a problem but that is why I like Go for the Throat/doom blade. I have 2 of each in the main and 2 of each in the side board because I don't know what my opponent will be using and I need variety. Also if they have something indestructible then I can try and force sacrifice it (granted its the only thing on the board). I know many people these choices would be easy for them to make but I feel it all comes down to playing style, most of my decks are out of the gate aggressive. I usually want my opponent playing to deal with me and not the other way around. I am not certain but I feel I can duke it out with a black/blue control deck. It makes me nervous but I feel I can send enough cheap burn spells to deal with most counter spells. Plus if I through in a reverberate I can copy a preordain or such to keep spells in my hand like them. I have a few days left to consider all these suggestions before the tournament so I will try to try them out with the actual deck and see how I like my hands and draws. Thank you to everyone that is helping me.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 17:08


Also Lavaclaw Reaches is the name of the land you were thinking of EthanLewis

Posted 17 May 2011 at 17:43


What do you guys think of Surgical Extraction for dealing with control decks, if they counter something early on and they are tapped out I can Surgical Extraction their counter spells or draw spells. Plus I don't need mana to cast it, I can use life instead.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 18:15


Mana Leak is on the stack targeting Surgical Extractoin, you copy it with Reverberate (resolves), you target the original Mana Leak with the copy, Mana Leak (2) is on the stack, they Redirect Mana Leak (1) to Mana Leak (2).

You can simply Redirect a Mana Leak to the Redirect, and you can Redirect a Mana Leak to itself, because it was on the stack when Redirect changed the target. If something hits the stack, it can be targeted by things that target spells.

Posted 01 July 2011 at 20:01


i would put in crush to take out swords and argentum armor

Posted 17 May 2011 at 02:01


and volt charge

Posted 17 May 2011 at 02:05


I have shatters in the side board for now to deal with Artifacts.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 17:40


I was starting to consider inquisition of kozilek until I realized that they are a $6 uncommon! Wow, that hurts my wallet, most of this deck is cheap, cheap, cheap except for the lands but I had most of them anyways. I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate your suggestions but try to keep in mind the price of certain cards. If I win this weeks tournament then I will have no problem buying them but I kind of broke my wallet buying lots and lots of new phyrexia fat packs and booster boxes.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 18:05


Yeah, Inquisition is ridiculously high right now... I wouldn't waste your money on it. It's good, but it doesn't support the deck structure you have all that much anyways. As for Surgical Extraction, I think it's honestly pretty terrible in here against control decks. Stealing their counters really won't do too much for them as counters are often actually just too slow and not good enough to stop you from killing them in a hyper-aggressive strategy such as this. However, it is AMAZING in the sideboard at stopping the Splinter Twin/Exarch combo (assuming you can kill one piece of the combo, first of course). Go for the Throat is good here, too as then they can't change the target with Spellskite. Anyways, Surgical Extraction is fine, but don't use it against a normal control deck as it simply wont do enough. With an aggressive deck like this, the best and really only amazing target you'd want to hit is probably Gideon Jura, anyways... Hex Parasite is a much better sideboard card vs. control decks I think as it's a fairly quick clock and rapes Planeswalkers.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 19:53


Why would spellskite not be able to redirect the Go for the Throat. This is one of reasons I thought it was so good was that you can change the target of a spell such as that to Spellskite and then the spell would just fizzle.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 20:10


Also I just wanted to add that Hex Parasite is a awesome card since it can deal with so much but especially Planeswalkers.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 20:14


gftt cant target artifacts, it's an illegal target. because it cant target it in the first place, you cant re-direct it's target to an illegal target. lol

Posted 17 May 2011 at 23:59


Damn, I thought I could force the spell to fizzle out, oh well.

Posted 18 May 2011 at 14:31


Sorry for the late response.

Wow.... This is quite impressive! The only suggestion I have to offer is what you guys have already been discussing. Hex Parasite. The only weakness here is to Planeswalkers, but of course, that's even situational as you will have a pretty solid lock along the board anyway.

Hex Parasite is great, but Vampire Hexmage might be better on occasion for the same reason. Either would make an excellent addition to your sideboard; Parasite being the obvious choice once Zendikar cycles out.

I 'spose Black Sun might be situational as well against rush and/or indestructible encounters.

Nice job!

Posted 18 May 2011 at 01:40


Thank you Rustedbucket, I totally forgot about vampire hexmage. It would not be a bad choice seeing how its a 2/1 first strike and it only costs 2 swamps.

Posted 18 May 2011 at 14:35


What do you guys think about replacing the Red Sun's Zenith in the sideboard with Assault Strobe, it would work well Kiln Fiend.

Anyways lets start a new part of this discussing not only what to add but what to take out.

Possible add cards:
Assault Strobe
Hex Parasite
Vampire Hexmage
Surgical Extraction
Volt Charge

What to take out?
Also is 22 lands good or should I lower it for the low mana cost to make room for more spells, personally I am always nervous of not drawing mana so 22 is the lowest I normally would go with out any type of mana ramp up.

Posted 18 May 2011 at 17:59


I would say toss in some fork bolts. I like to be able to split the damage. Pyroclasm is really good at stalling the faster decks and I would side it.

Posted 19 May 2011 at 08:55


Leyline of Sanctity would rip this deck into tiny little pieces and sell them on Ebay. You need to sideboard a solution for it... Probably Rachet Bomb.

Posted 26 May 2011 at 18:43


Try some Volt Charge, you can proliferate the Ascension for the third counter really fast, then you swing for 2 and win.

Posted 27 May 2011 at 05:08



Posted 27 May 2011 at 06:32


side board either pyroclasm or slagstorm and play either doomblade or gftt instead of geth's eddict. you can't choose a target and it cost two black mana which is bad for your fast paced deck. and staggershock is really good and perfect for your deck. check out my deck and tell me what you think..it got kiln fiend and assault strobe and really fun to play!

Posted 27 May 2011 at 18:49


hey guys i need some help here =). i tried to build a good elf deck without rare cards and as cheap as possible but still playable ^^. Here is the result :
I think that it would work quite well but before i buy the cards i would like to here some opinions =)

Posted 27 May 2011 at 20:46


id drop some of the fiends or spitfires to make room for some pulse trackers, turn 1 tracker, turn 2 ascension and attack...

Posted 27 May 2011 at 20:49


Majician has deleted this comment.

Posted 28 May 2011 at 20:53


When i first saw mindcrank I isntantly thought of comboing it with bloodcheif ascension because if you get 3 counters on that and mincrank is out there, any damage or them putting a card to their graveyard is instant win but then i started thinking how is this deck going to look.
You have to have 4 ascensions because obviously the faster you put one out, the faster you can win the game, however drawing one of these past turn 2 is basically a dead card, as it takes 3 turns for it to become active. Mindcrank is only good if this card has 3 counters on it, plus mindcrank is an artifact so most likely even if this does manage to resolve, it will be blown up. This leaves you with 8 cards that are basically dead unless this combo manages to resolve and go off.
Another problem I see with this deck is you have one win condition as your creature selection is for lack of a better word, terrible. Vampire lacerator is by far the worst vampire out there. Kiln fiend is pretty useless and easy to kill and chandras spitfire is just a joke. There is no way these creatures will ever win you a game given the deck your playing against has actual cards in it. Also if you are running black and you don't have sign in blood, then there is something seriously wrong as that is by far the best card draw you are going to get for the price. I think that bloodcheif ascension is a great card but it provides many disadvantages to overcome for it to be good and the fact that that card is basically your only win engine means a couple of removals makes you very weak.

Check out my Mono Red New Pheryxia deck and give me your thoughts on strenghts and weakness'.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 21:32


Wow, what are you talking about? Vampire Lacerator, Kiln Fiend, and Chandra's Spitfire are all awesome cards, just when they're used properly. This deck is kind of a mash up of sorts, and I don't really see the Kiln/Chandra stack aggro being the best fit with Bloodcrank.

@Braindamage - If you're going to go Bloodcrank, you should at least have some tutors so you can get the pieces out easily. Sign in Bloods are an absolute must have for thinning. I run 4 Diabolic Tutors and 4 Sign in Bloods in my Bloodcrank, because they are all necessary. Also, some proliferate will help if you really want your Bloodchief to go off. Consider Volt Charge if you're going to go down this path. Once you have 1 quest counter, Volt Charge will give you the last 2 in 1 turn...not a bad deal. I myself use Tezzeret's Gambit in my deck, so as to thin my deck even further. It's B/W, but check it out.


Posted 31 May 2011 at 05:32


dark tutelage?

Posted 31 May 2011 at 20:31


hey your missing a key card to this deck idea VOLT CHARGE! like it deal 3 damage and proliferates like that card makes the BCA+mc combo a one turn third turn win. check out my decks if you want to see some fun instant-kill decks

Posted 02 June 2011 at 00:34


ps if your wondering what to drop
go for the throat
doom blade
u have enough kill cards to deal enough damage

Posted 02 June 2011 at 00:36


Nice deck man really nice I like the combo in it. Also if you wouldnt mine could you check out my deck and give me some tips/ criticism

Posted 03 June 2011 at 09:32


no blightning

Posted 07 June 2011 at 21:45



Posted 08 June 2011 at 03:51


Mind Crank and Galvanic Blast seem out of place. You should run maybe forked bolt instead it's amazing for Chandra Spitfire. Also without the Mind Cranks you could throw in some Gut Shots that are also amazing for kiln fiend and Chandra. You can use them anytime you want if you have two life. Great for pumping those two guys up

Posted 08 June 2011 at 09:49


Oh ok the Bloodchief works with the Mind Crank :) I get it now. That's pretty awesome!!! I still think the galvanic blast is a little odd though. You don't have enough artifacts to make it worth it. I would use forked bolt instead. That thing is awesome to get rid of stuff and then tap the opponent with one. Although galvanic blast does set you up with the two dmg. It's a balance.

Posted 08 June 2011 at 09:51
