my new deck check it out please
Permalink can you guys help me with this deck
I like him in there I can make as many emblems as I want and they stack and cant be remove from field an unlimited supply of tokens and I can remove your stuff and keep them for myself
and it also slows down my deck since its a 5 drop instead of a 2 drop
thats how I used to run it because I still dont know if its worth to use GS is worth because it makes all of my non flying guys weaker
I used to main board it but now I run Gravitational Shift
ya he is expensive
I need some help with this deck please
why no nivix cyclops
thank you that helped
What happens if you give a creature lethal damage with stab wound but it gets a buff like titans strength that falls off at the end of the turn does your creature die at the end of the turn or do you keep your creature?
You should add some shock lands,bounce lands maybe and you can also use tri color lands you should also think about something like birds of paradise or chromatic lantern
yes I would but that was not what we were talking about
it does not kill me it reveals from the top and if I cant reveal it stops and then neck time I draw I win
I used to run maelstrom nexus but I took it out
which sarkhan do you think I should add
I see what you mean thanks
why no dwarf miner?
thank you for the help
do you have an ideas on what I should add or take out to better this deck anything would be appreciated
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