Thank you for the tips! Steel Sabotage and Stone Rain are great ideas. I'l probably shy away from the others because they actually hurt my synergy a bit too much. Need a bit more "them" and less "all" type cards. Torpor Orb is such a fun card though =)
Majorly edited... Have yet to try it out.
Indeed you are correct. Unless the land is one of the 5 basic lands, you are only allowed 4 of that card, rules permitting, in your deck. If you want the locus acceleration provided by cloudpost, may I recommend looking up other lands with the subtype locus to combo with cloudpost. As of this moment, this deck is illegal in all official formats =) Then again, sometimes our own formats are amusing.
Ok so I made a few changes here to account for some early aggro and various things like discard, reanimate's ect. Thinking of adding in Mental misstep but I am not sure what to sub it for, maybe put it in the sideboard?
Which decks could beat this deck so easily you think?
Perhaps you could elaborate on why it is not tournament ready