SOOOOO...... most of the artifacts in the set are actually kind of useless though there are some pretty cool ways to run them. The deck also needs to be streamlined. What are you going for; mid-randge, aggro, tempo? You can check out my aggro deck of this type if you want some ideas. It runs smooth but could be smoother. Also, nice that you got Scuttle Butt and the Soul of New Phyrexia. those cards are pretty good, especially if you shrapnel blast Scuttle butt. 11 damage to the face? Good night.
hmm. In my B/R Mid-Range deck I run three just because turn two its one of my few drops. The nice thing is you're generally not playing Dreadbore turn two just because you are waiting for something bigger so it sort of fills that two slot. In this deck I would almost recommend running it as a strict side-board card because once you feel out you're opponent then you know immediately how many counters to go to on ratchet bomb though, be careful, because most of the time it's going to get destroyed so maybe mainboarding it isn't such a bad idea. I mainboard it and it works wonders so maybe try that for now and then, if you don't like it, sideboard it. All in all I'd say two at minimum, three at most. It sucks drawing into too many of the suckers.
Also, you don't have the mana for detention sphere so why not run ratchet bomb instead? Also as a good sideboard.
You might like, since there already is R/W, Assemble the Legion. It's an extra win mechanic that can really save you. I would at least side board it. Other than that this has given me the desire to build a similar deck. NICE DECK!
I would recommend Ratchet Bomb. It is a fantastic control card that acts like Detention sphere. Your gods will not die to it and you get to play it turn two. Other than that, great deck. Maybe Erebos in the sideboard though.
Mistcutter=sideboardBurning Tree Emissary=I would take outTribute=Variables hurt though I do like Fanatic of Xenagos because of consistency, I don't think we are gonna see a lot of him. 4/4 for three mana is good but there is just too much competition in Standard for it to be effective.
hmmmmm. I like the deck a lot. It is very carefully balanced. However, you're gonna have trouble keeping creatures alive. I think Boros Charm needs to be mainboarded. It is good for any match-up. PLUS brave the elements. Give all white creatures prot from your choice? Give em green and swing on through. Also, one word, BRIMAZ!!!! That card is way too good not to run. The token spawning will also feed to Purphoros AND those tokens will be monsters with the Spear out though I understand if you're working on a budget so Brimaz might be out. Again, these are just suggestions but it would be interesting to see how this deck runs once BotG comes out. Also you're working on a small mana curve, almost even aggro. Elspeth is a little questionable because of that though the synergy with the rest of the deck makes her almost uncompromisable.
The mana curve, honestly, is pretty wonky. On turn three you have a two blue and one colorless Dissolve, and a two black and one colorless Downfall, and a two red and one colorless Anger of the Gods. Ultimately turn three, being able to play anything, even with shock lands (which are gonna hurt after some time, especially running read the bones and thoughtseize on top of them) and scry lands, is pretty impossible due to the strictness of color. You could try to limit the mana base to B/R Control/Mid-Range so you can still run mogis and would also definitely stream line the mana curve but you could also turn your main board cards into spells that require only one of a specific mana.
yea i forgot it only brings it down one. my bad. will fix. I want to run satyr firedancer but I think I would need consistent burn to make him work. Probably not good for this deck BUT we'll see. I'll prolly make a seperate Mono- Red burn deck to run him. Four Chandra Phoenix, Pyromancer and Firedancer and a whole hell of a lot of burn.
I understand why you are running only one Brimaz (because he is a legendary) however he is SO GOOD that you should be running at least 3 in the mainboard. At starcity . com there is an article in the premium section called, "Brimaz, The King Is Here". You should check it out.
no problemo
I like the deck a lot. This is one deck though that I would recommend Heliod and maybe just one of although I'm not 100% on the functionality of this. I've gotta ask, why swan song? Is there any specific use or is just there?
haha thank you. If you enjoy making this kind of deck, try looking up some stasis decks. its a cheap, fun, shutdown based mechanic in legacy.
I would honestly run 4x supreme verdict. And one more Azor's elocutor's for consistency because you're not running enough substantial draw to get to your win mechanic so increase the chances of getting the Eloctutor's to substantiate this. Enduring ideal is way too much. Maybe try a tutor of some kind? And I like the use of porphyry nodes but I would run four because your not running any other one drop and you can play one, kill a creature, sacrifice it your turn, and then play one again. Their use is limitless.
Heroic mechanics right now are still being experimented with so it might be best to stick to something more reliable. I've personally tried this same concept and when it pops it definately pops however, more often than not, it won't. If you are gonna run heroic, you might wanna try Triton tactics. Its absolutely amazing right now.
I would try to fit in Elspeth, Sun's Champion. Amazing card for b/w mid-range if you have the 35.00 dollars to drop on one of her. Paul Rietzl runs her and it works pretty effectively. I like Pharika's Cure, but not over thoughtseize. If you're worried about life gain after getting rid of Pharika's Cure, a nifty combo I use in my deck, which is also b/w, is merchant of asphodel plus pack rat. Since copies of pack rat are exactly pack rat they count towards your devotion AND running an underworld connections on the board means a lot of damage. Has been doing me great favors though I am considering reverting back to my old b/w deck after seeing a few other better one drops.Hope this helps!