i'm using a similar deck, but it's more combo oriented with two engines running: izzet guildmage + training grounds, and gelectrode + dual casting as a back-up. even without dual casting, they synergize very well, allowing you to crank out horrible amounts of damage with gelectrode using only one cheap spell. throw in some sorcery mana-ramp, like manamorphose or desperate ritual, and you have a broken infinite-mana combo on top of a broken copy engine. wins consistantly by at-least turn 5, or turn 3 with the right starting hand. and it's modern legal! cheers!
correction: a copy is a spell for all intents and purposes, and it is "cast" 111.1a A copy of a spell is also a spell, even if it has no card associated with it. See rule 706.10. 111.1b Some effects allow a player to cast a copy of a card; if the player does, that copy is a spell as well. See rule 706.12 706.12. An effect that instructs a player to cast a copy of an object (and not just copy a spell) follows the rules for casting spells, except that the copy is created in the same zone the object is in and then cast while another spell or ability is resolving. Casting a copy of an object follows steps 601.2a–g of rule 601, “Casting Spells,” and then the copy becomes cast. Once cast, the copy is a spell on the stack, and just like any other spell it can resolve or be countered. so the combo does work. cheers!