Your Typical Blood-Sucking Vam..

by Boris on 10 March 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (4)

Sorceries (10)

Instants (1)

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Deck Description

This is a standard-legal prospective deck. Almost completely unoriginal and on par with Jund in terms of difficulty. Plus, it's fun to play.

So, basically, play vampires. Most of the creatures are bombs all by their lonesome selves. Later on there are crippling spells like tendrils of agony and mind rot. Simple enough.

You'll be gaining enough life with Vampire Nighthawk, Tendrils of Corruption, and Kalastria Highborn to more than balance the life loss of eight fetch lands and the occasional sign in blood. The fetch lands thin swamps out of your deck, so later on you'll be drawing more helpful cards than lands.

Feed me feedback, I implore you!

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 2,198 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Your Typical Blood-Sucking Vampire Deck

pulse tracker for damage.

Posted 10 March 2010 at 22:31


No, pulsetracker is not a solid option. Pulsetrackers are for decks that do not wish to make a tournament quality deck

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:39


swap the smothers for feast of bloods and think about losing mind sludge for more vamps

Posted 10 March 2010 at 23:47


Smother is far, far better than feast. Feast is like a 6cc kill at best (2 vamps in play, then gotta feast, assuming you are playing an idiot who doesn't kill your vamps). Also, feast is a sorcery, instant speed is so much better.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:40


Is it just me or aren't there any Tendrils of Corruption in there?
Oh, and, Vampire Hexmage.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 09:48


You have one of the few comments here I could agree on. I'd consider dropping 2 urge's for 2 tendrils. Hexmage is great sideboard but with the new meta since wwk, it's an iffy maindeck.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:41


drop verdant catacombs for crypt of agadeem.
drop mind sludge for blood tribute.
drop smother for sanguian bond.
and maybe drop a nocturnus and a highborn for two pulse trackers.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 11:42


All 4 of your suggestions indicate to me you do not understand the term "Tournament quality"

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:42


What is the point of using "Marsh Flats" and "Verdant Catacombs", when the only other lands you have are swamps ?

Posted 11 March 2010 at 11:51


Deck thinning, shuffling for a bad nocturnus on top (aka, land on top instead of a black spell), a land drop that won't get blightning'ed but can be used later for landfalling out a bloodghast.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:43


Don't use Crypt of Agadeem. It just slows you down and you have to have more than 3 dead creatures for it to even be useful. IMO sideboard it to use against mill maybe. The fetch lands are nice to trigger bloodghast but honestly I'd cut it down to just 4. Tendrils of COrruption is an awesome card at removing creatures and healing you at same time. Feast of Blood is also nice to remove and heal and with so many 2 costers you should always have 2 vamps out. Pulse trackers blow though, ignore those imo. Sure they may get 1-2 hits for a couple damage but unless you get one in the starting hand their just going to ping for 1 and then die. You are better off with the 2 drops. Which reminds me, sideboard 4x Hexmages or work them in and sideboard the mind sludge and grim discoveries. You just need to hit hard and fast and your good. My vampire deck is located:

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:07


8 fetches is win in vamps, it's like getting to run 20 lands in a 52 card deck without hurting your draws. Each fetch keeps your chance of getting lands early when you need them good without screwing you late game into drawing lands. Feast is not worth it in the least. Mindsludge is what allows vamps to keep control of the game later. Hexmage I could see going in for the grim's.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:45


I understand the use of fetch lands. That is a minor point. I disagree with Feast though. Yeah being a sorcery isn't that great but I've used my vampire deck at a number of FNMs against people ranked in the 1800s for DCI, and I've rarely had a point where I couldn't cast it when I wanted too. Plus it gives you 4 life which helps to offset the self-damage you inflict from your fetch lands and Sign in Bloods. Besides, The restriction of 3 mana or less on Smother really blows since the creatures I want to remove are going to be the bombs that cost at least 4-6. I've never had trouble with the early game before. I sideboard my mind sludge and honestly I don't think I've ever even used them in a match yet. The games are usually over by turn 7 at the very latest (usually 6) and so at 5 mana the chance to use them doesn't even happen to often. Against a heavy heavy stall/control deck I can see where they would be much more useful though, but 5 mana is a large price to pay considering it might just get cancelled anyhow.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 13:46


He has 12 life loss cards and 8 life gain cards, both of his playset of lifegain cards will generally net you more than a single life fetch or a double life sign in blood (nighthawks at 2 per swing, bloodwitch generally hits for at least 2-3). I would take hideous end or boom blade over feast of blood due to the the lack of the 2 vamp requirement and both being at instant speed.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 14:17


if you want fetchlands, put in some terramorphic expanses

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:33


Terramorphics are terrible fetches, guarenteed to come in tapped.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 12:38


Yeah terramorphics are bad in a deck meant for speed.

Posted 11 March 2010 at 13:46


In my experience, eight fetchlands are an invaluable land base, no matter it's a single color deck. Drawing less swamps later game is a must. And yes, terramorphic expanse is too slow.

I thought there were tendrils of corruption in here. Huh. I'll put in three or so maindeck and a sideboard to complete the set promptly.

Feast of blood is a good card. I'm not going to deny that. But the point of instant speed vs. sorcery, and in the remote chance that it'll be un-castable due to a vampire shortage is not a risk I want to take. Smother really screws up an early game defens, that's mostly why it's here..

Posted 11 March 2010 at 18:55


I really think you should lose the mind sludge as a late game controller. I also think you should think about anowon. I understand how pro white is handy for bant or whatever but the whole one sure kill every turn and the fact that you are prolly going to thin out their little guys with smother urge to feed and tendrils. About tendrils though, why not feast of blood instead? Can use it earlier if you need to, toughness doesn't matter, and you still gain life. Sorry to be this guy but I am trying to get feedback on my silly mono white exalted standard deck before alara gets thrown out. It is called Chrysanthemums if you can check it out.

Posted 19 March 2010 at 19:52
