No, the format has sped up a lot over the last month or so, so dissipate is not really needed as a 3 of, let alone a 4 of, and it will most likely be a dead card, or will counter something meaningless. The other reason to play alchemy and up think twice is A. It helps in every other matchup, and B. if you feel it isnt good against ub, hold them back in game 1 and side them out in game 2-3. Gftt is insane in the format now, and doom blade is terrible, mostly because of the appearance of zombies, a deck that has gained popularityand power, and doom blade is the worst card you could possibly want in that matchup. I would go -3 doom blade, +1 gfft, +2 think twice, -2 dissipate, -1 dispise, -1 curse, +4 alchemy, and cut one other curse for another something, you only really need 2 curses. Add 2 dissipate to the SB if you're so worried about the control matchup. Just my thoughts, hope they help.
Normal ub mill dosent even try to mill you out. They run grave titan, consecrated sphinx, and things like that. You really need to run alchemy, its so good. Also max out on think twice and cut dissipate to 2, it really doesnt warrant itself as a 4-of.