If you are going to run a tap deck you have to have Sunblast Angel.
You should look into turning you deck it into a shape anew deck. World run smoother and a little quicker than yours is running.
Yea that works and hopefully explaining it better than I ever could.
I like your idea. But you are missing some even bigger combos with Venser. Check out my deck Venser's Sundial (You will want to read this) here is the link http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=208959
You should try Sundial of the Infinite. Also to see Venser used to his full potential check out my deck I have featuring him. Venser's Sundial (You will want to read this)
Thanks for all the support so far this deck hasn't been up for even 4 hrs and it is on the upcoming page. Once again thanks to all.
lol yea It defiantly blows ones mind. Explaining it at fnm to people is going to be a job in its self.
thanks and yea I didn't believe it at first either. If it does well on here i will Buy the cards that are coming in M12 tonight and have them for next weekend. And ill let everyone knows how it does.
http://tappedout.net/mtg-articles/2011/jul/11/sundial/ here is the link maybe it can be explained better by the guy who wrote it.
And yes it can be a awesome counter spell also.
thanks I think after rotation it has some potential.
Oh it works. I didn't think that it did at first but after reading some blogs with detailed description it is completely possible.
it would be but this deck is post rotation. thanks for the advice though.
Also try Chandra, the firebeand
I'm not offended at all. I know everyone has there opinions and they should share them. especially when i asked for them. And yes i haven't Bought cards in a while. And I bought a Booster box and a fat pack . And I did the pre release draft yesterday and pulled chandra, the firebrand and some of the cards i need. I should have all the cards I need by the 15th.
@ cjmarks3 I feel like the deck also has serious potential that's why i built it. But i wouldn't say it is the deck to beat we haven't the slightest clue what innistrad is going to bring like you said. @soulkid I agree goblins are way quicker but The quickness that Zendikar brought will be out soon. Also Blue black control Might be the deck to beat your right. Doesn't mean my deck cant be as competitive.
No chandra, the firebrand?
check out My version of this deck it is called bloodthirst. I really feel that bloodthirst can be fast and win tons of games.
Inkmoth's ability makes him a 1/1 flying artifact creature and infect. With that said If and only if I have nothing in my way will I activate inkmoths's ability. Plus if I have out tempered steel than he becomes a 3/3.
Why not try shape anew and blightsteel colossus? instead of treasure mage and Wurmcoil?
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