Why no Skaab Ruinators? Seems it would be crazy good in this self mill
It counts phyrexian mana as +2 casting cost, so the 4 under the 3 casting cost listing are the Vault Skirge
Still has a turn two lethal swing. Opening hand: rebirth x2, opal x2, memnite, signal pest, mountain. Play mountain for pest, drop memnite and opal. Tap and sac opal for rebirth, drop next opal, tap n sac for other rebirth. Draw into contested warzone. Swinging with 7 1/1, signal pest and activate warzone = 22 damage swing
I do agree with that, cross Tompkin's deck and the deck that beat him for 1st, and you will have pretty much every RDW in standard atm.
Dual lands are for the Ancient Grudge's flashback cost in the sideboard. Looks exactly like Tompkins mono red from StarCity tournament.
Might want to think about adding in volt charge for the shocks
Stony Silence kills your deck as well :P
Hellspark Elemental and Spark Elemental still have to be sacrificed even if you try the sundial shenanigans, they say "Sacrifice at end of turn", end of turn still happens with sundials effect. With sundial you can pretty much get around any effect that includes "At the beginning of the NEXT ___ step", these delayed triggers can be 'exiled' from the stack by using sundial's ability. Both Hellspark Elemental and Spark Elemental have end of turn sacrifice" which cant be cheated by sundial, due to them having to be sacrificed at end of turn which still occurs. Even Ball Lightning which has "At the beginning of the end step, sacrifice Ball Lightning" cant be dodged by sundial, since it is not a delayed trigger that can only occur once, it would just occur again on your opponents end step.
Drop either the Rites of the Explores, id go with the Rites. Add +4 Arbor Elves. And I've tried doubling chants for a while, and I can say that i find them extremely lackluster. By the time you can play them you should already be stomping their face in. Try -2 Chant, +2 Overwhelming. It should end the game quicker for one less mana (creatures from Chant dont have haste)
Removal in the Pyromancer, prot color in the Evangels. Havnt given much thought as to the side board, as can bee seen. Main reason I havnt put more instants and sorceries is that they can easily fizzle with Genesis Wave, which I have been playing with 4 (taking out both Splinter Twin for another wave and Metamorph) and really seem to prefer it over this current listing.
Standard Nayan Allies. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=208045
*Shits a brick*
An amazing counterspell as well if you didn't have any shenanigans for your turn
Favorite card right now would have to be Genesis Wave, purely cause all the fun I have with it in my Ally deck (pst... you should look at it). 1) What was your favorite (or possibly most hated) tribal deck that you've played against? 2) An estimate to the size of your card collection. 3) Any advice to someone who is finding his way back into standard after hiatus during the Scars block?
Absolutely love this deck type. Recently got back into magic after some pushing from friends, would love it if you looked at my (only) deck and see what you think!