
33 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

This deck is really nice, only thing I'd add personally would be either a Venser's Journal or Reliquary Tower or perhaps both. With the Venser's Journal you will get a life benefit from all those cards you are going to have in your hand each turn and when you combine that with Overbeing of Myth he's going to give you more cards... hince more life, not to mention he's gonna get to be a big boy. If you already have Fable of Wolf and Owl in play then you will have more playablility as the game progressess. Only thing that really is the downside to this deck is it has no counterspell type cards, this will keep you from getting sweeped(wrath of god or something similar). Other things I'd change is the Shielding Plax, if you look at the majority of your deck, you will see many of your cards won't need the spell shielding nor will you need a draw card effect, speaking of which... your deck you could really have a problem with stuff going to your graveyard fast and your library getting smaller(due to all the draw cards). I suggest using something that can recycle your graveyard into your library incase you have someone play Haunting Echoes or Tramatize, if they play the latter first then the Echoes,... you're pretty much screwed but that would be rare happening. There are several artifacts that can recycle your graveyard to your library and some spells that can do it too. Your Favor of Overbeing is an O.K. card, it's good for some of your creatures and your tokens when you are in a jam, the only benefit of this card is it's only two mana, and it can give a creature(blue+green) +2/+2, so nothing negative about that. My last suggestion is that I think this deck needs a Whispersilk Cloak so you can make the Vedalken Heretic unblockable. This will also work on anything else you want to put it on later, sense it is an equipment and not a enchantment, It can move freely from creature to creature without any reguards to the spell shielding effects of many of your creatures, plus it can be a replacement for your Shielding Plax because it has spell shielding too! Thanks for letting me post a comment, you may view my decks too if you'd like - bluesandtheblacks

Posted 16 January 2011 at 10:33 as a comment on Shorecrashers of Eventide
