It is true that it can be better. And it probably has the price range of a starter deck too. But i mean the better cards cost more and we both know that
I when the deck isn't all it could be cut out to be. But it is a deck that has a price limit. I believe That if you want to remake this deck and make it winnable you can but if you just want a screw it deck just to well...... screw with people you got that deck.
Dang i dont even care about the deck anymore....... I just like this little arguement
Urza's filter Bloom Tender Dragonspeaker Shaman All would help with mana costs
The couple of things i notice; Get demonic/Diabolic tutors to get phage in your hand at any time(Demonic is better), next yes i know you have enough holy days and pollen lullaby to stop a million tokens but there are many other ways to lose when you only have two creatures.( add something take makes it impossible to lose. And finally just for a scary trick, not necessary, id but rite of replication in their for phage. If you think you can get the mana. Also get some sleeps. It will tap all there shit not question