Saturday, I was Ally. Sunday I turned rogue owo
Yup. Honestly I'm a big fan of removal because (lucky/unlucky for me) got face lots of flying creatures so... and with 1 ruinous path and 2 bone splinters, plus 2 demonic graps and a plummel, I decided to make the deck flying proof. After all you can win pretty much by protecting the zulaport cutthroat and 'shitting' tokens until you can bring the big guns! On my other pré-release I made that ally deck, also with some improvement. The March from the Thomb was game winning 4 times xD
My experience with the pré-release. SOme cards that weren't on the event deck but that I thought would work great for board clear. Nothing much xD
And of course, Evolving Wilds can be changed for lands that give both the green and white mana, so you can cast Hardened Scales turn 1 and turn 2 the Phalanx Leader. You just have to use your imagination and make counters and more counter. xD
What you want to do is place Favored Hoplite and Phalanx Leader as soon as possible, or just the Phalanx. Then, use Hardened scales before start casting spells targeting the phalanx, giving a +1/+1 counter. As you develop your battlefield, use then Solidarity of Heroes and Incremental Growth to just keep buffing the creatures.You can exchange Gods Willing with Center Soul due the rebound trigger but I rather have a scry since, after the 5th mana you want to keep drawing speels. Use Ajani to boost them and Elspeth to get some soldiers and have another target to strenghen your defences.Sorry the slow reply but was busy with other things. Any more question, feel free to ask me.
Battle Rage is to make the combo with Artful Maneuver since, due the heroic, the trample is assured. Might take 2Feat of Resistance instead instead the 2 Battle Rage.
The mana you spent to lvl up, WHEN you do it, you tap it for the same mana. After that, it always gives an extra mana. Turn 1 Joraga. Turn 2, level up and tap her for the two mana. Turn 3, you can have at least 5 mana if you played Explore and another creature. It's basically the same.
What about use Joraga Treespeaker? It gives more mana than other elves and even if in the second turn you are one mana short (since playing birds or mystic gives you three mana at least in turn 2 to cast explore and more mana creatures) it will be usefully late game.
Why the fetch lands? With 12 forests, change the fetch for more 12 forests. You will just be losing life and against an aggro deck, you don't want that.
No offense taken, no worries. Plus, better combo: Aurelia and Gisela xD
Altough, really not sure how the trigger between Aurelia and Kaalia works. After all,, with Kaalia I can play Aurelia from my hand, tapped and attacking. And all you read about Arelia is that, when she attacks for the first time, there a new combat phase. But no matter what, you are still getting beaten by a legion of angels. Plus, when I play Kaalia, I might have the mana to cast Aurelia directly from my hand so, it's still a great combo in my opinion.
Kaalia doesn't trigger Aurelia first time, but Aurelia is only there after the first time ;) All I have to do is make sure Aurelia survives to the next turn and then GG :p
Indeed. I totally forgot about that card when I made the deck. I will surely add him in sideboard for now. Let's see how he works with the main deck and thanks for the advice.
Indeed, it could work. Still, since this is more for fun, no need to make the deck too much OP xD Also, with those Planeswalkers on the field, I can keep my own life points safe enough until I bring Felidar or use other heavy hitters.