nice some recommendations though Aura Gnarlid, something to block flying like Spider Umbra and Wheel of Sun and Moon
I like what about Lord of Shatterskull Pass?
I understand what your saying. I remembered some card that might be of interest Wall of Frost, Roil Elemental, and Memory Erosion
here is 5 color deck I made it might give you some ideas.
for me I'd remove Kraken's Eye, Runechanter's Pike, Messenger Drake and some other cards and add cards like Ponder and Sage Owl for more control. one more this it might help to replace Harbor Serpent with something with trample like Inkwell Leviathanthis isn't criticism just stuff i think might help the deck.
the deck looks alright how about Kinsbaile Cavalier instead of Silverblade Paladin.
for a deck like this you want Khalni Hydra because you can play it for almost nothing and Garruk's Packleader for draw.
I don't know. just some ideas on how to make it better.
how about Liege of the Tangle?
This is the mill deck I use take some ideas from it.
the Vivid lands would hold you back try Chromatic Lantern, Gemstone Mine, Mirrodin's Core, Tendo Ice Bridge, and 12 lands of your choice.
I was going to use him in another deck.
first to much variety it's hard to get the cards you need. first remove- all the Artifact- Crosstown Courier- Geralf's Mindcrusher- Phantasmal Sphere- Rotcrown Ghoul- Shriekgeist-Zephyr Spirit- CurfewAdd-Wall of Frost-Hedron Crab-and try to have more copies of cards
Growing Ranks and Parallel Lives
replace Commune with the Gods with Explore.
From what I see this is not a mill deck it's a control deck and my head hurts thinking of how to helpFIRST to many card you'll have trouble getting what you need. cut back and try to have more then 1 copy of a card SECOND remove Wurm's Tooth, Karametra's Acolyte, Centaur Battlemaster, Nightshade Peddler, Dispel(Spell Pierce is better), Mindstatic(just have 4 copy's of cancel), Spell Blast, Stoic Rebuttal,and Divination(replace with Ponder)THIRD card that will help Hedron Crab, Increasing Confusion, Tome Scour, Mana Drain, Ponder, Spell Pierce and Memory Erosion to name a few.P.S. black is better paired with blue for a milling deck
I sort of see what your trying to do. replace Sign in Blood with Infiltration Lens and these cards might help Corpse Cur, Reaper of Sheoldred, Ichorclaw Myr and Tangle Angler.
Kor Spiritdancer, Wheel of Sun and Moon and Aura Gnarlid
Ravenous Rats,Hypnotic Specter and Guul Draz Specter are some cards to consider.
I recommend Ornithopter ,Signal pest and Distortion Strike.
21-40 of 135 items