nah, sarkhan kills them
3 valakuts..............?
thats.. intresting but how is that a win combo? theres hex mage, and natrualize that kills lich
When i originally made the deck I main decked consume the meek for things like elfs, but i found that when you subsitute grave titan for them, you have a lack of offensive cards in your deck (just having frost titans and tar pits) And because of the fact that I run 5 creatures with converted mana cost of 6, ramping with everflowing chalice is never a bad thing, and you can also fetch removal so I really dont see any point to side boarding the trinket mage combo being as versatile as it is. I thought about lilly, but I dont know what to take out... if you have any suggestions let me know.
i like the fling+righteousness combo
dont run feast of blood because its sorcery speed... doom blade is an instant so run that.
ya. I think he's an underrated card. If you have any suggestions for the deck, let me know... i need all the help i can get