Maybe add a cloud shift or two?
It should work ok. maybe add some more discard/ draw, like shattered perception, or reforge the soul. I'm not so sure about the black suns...
wheres Jace? :-) Curse of Bloody Tomb could be useful, 2 mill/ turn can be annoying, but 6 or 8 (3 or 4 of them) mill each turn, without having to trigger landfall or anything... Also Traumatize iwould be a nice addition. If you are having problems due to a lack of creatures, Nemesis of Reason might make a good side board.
I did something similar, but with artifacts, which provide cover early game,until you can get the big stuff out.
Maybe an unburial rites or two? and some draw. I think a couple (dismember/ go for the throat/ doomblade)s would work well, and since you have so many myrs why not add a myr battle sphere? You could take out some of the suns or alloy myrs.
Maybe some destroy/ dismembers, some 1st turns besides Skullclamp, like Vampire Lacerator. And Sorin M. definitely. maybe a blood line keeper. Over all I'm a bit iffy about this deck, but this isn't really my style.
Use signal pests instead of accorder paladin. Thatcher revalt, and goldnight commanders wouldn't be so bad either. Also I was think cloudshift, as a side board, or in stead of an o- ring or something. 4x crusaders and and the 3x abolishers seems a bit much. Perhaps some timely reinforcements instead of elspeth. Make a side board out of that "list of cards" that are maybes.