i have see these decks all the time and they are f**king epic
u cant tell but i am giving u a thumbs up i very much like great job! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I there is that thumbs up
aggggg no no more new izzet sry i am so old when playing mtg i love the old ne but it is a very nice deck good job
ha i got this http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=377196
give u a hand on expensive, originality and a full angel deck that's ok first maybe drop the price some how i have been playing for years i like cheap but i handle expensive but this is to high sry. second no 1 will ever make a deck like this ever on mtg it is so original not saying its bad its good trust me but its original next great deck i will make maybe cheaper but i like it with the w/b/r/ combo make boss maybe add some izzet nice clap clap clap! -blizz search my decks here a sample http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=377196 and my others http://www.mtgvault.com/Profile.aspx?UserID=100983
k i made a lich dck i need help so here it is check out my other decks to k http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=386328
nice goblin izzet cool would ditch bolas for some other stuff
nice but could use work but good infect deck!
good could use work but nice!
wow nice deck its not the best deck but its good
nice foxes they are sweet!!! nice
ok good but defently not perfect but a nice deck :)
interesting check out my kitty deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=381323 not my best
oh never mind my mistake um good if a discard rat deck but just rats... add relentless rats
um...im sorry it sucks read ravenous rats effect and change entire deck, sry
very nice i love simic 2nd fav guild 1st is izzet but nice work i will relese my deck of simic soon kit bliz
kor singer? really
dude dat is stupid replace armoured he's great
nice like da price but i would add koth he would make da deck shine gold maybe some card that untap cause if all are tapped you cant defend and a lightning bolt or two nice check out my decks search me on decks and hears a sample http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=377196
just boss dude boss
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