Wow amazing combo have you thought of Wild Defiance?
Kinsbaile Cavalier
Even better 29/29 first strike lifelink trample turn 5 i slightly updated it so check it out again more like my friends deck
overwhelming stampede is the same but better as overrun so not much of a change if you did it.
Torpor orb?
overwhelming stampede>overrun
It stacks thats the point. Also check out my new deck Fast Hydras.
Thanks for the comment also nice deck.
Ya but they don't untap my 5 mana lands
Pretty good no?
Here's a pretty good deck around modular but not pentavus.
Have you thought of 4 Realmwrights? Then since you have alot more forests you could choose black, red, blue, and white
Didnt mean for a strong deck if you did that would be impressive, what I meant was something that can work or be plausible. Nice job though.
New deck No rules but focus on Last Stand
Ok so I don't see any thrulls other than breeding pit. Also there is no enchant hate or draw which I would consider for most decks. Please tell me the restriction of cards you want so i can recommend specific ones.
Get this deck up it is amazing.
Get this deck up it is pretty amazing.
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