those cards arent standard though this is type 2
in a jund deck sprouting>nighthawk
Where did u ever think of this? HMMMMM 0_o
2 gatekeepers!? Heresy!!! I bet you will find the bloodtributes piss you off more often than not. Tendrils or consume spirit is much better.
if u counter 2 creatures with double negative and they werent cascaded then you should get up and slap the other player in the face and tell them to gtfo.
essence scatter bad font of mythos good otherwise 2 thumbs up
yea that doesnt work your next turn is skipped meaning the extra turn would be skipped and u couldnt untap or do anything you are just spending lots of time and cards to do nothing...
no point it is a waste of a card they arent gonna keep anything to attack with
u and your 2 ofs haha
86% win rate....Explain one of the typical games it went through and the deck it was fighting plz
drop valakut to 2 and add 2 mountains
forget the honors just put in 2 more goblin guides
i would say no honor of the pure it doesn't affect all your creatures