Haha, love it dude.
I apologize is someone else already brought this up, but is the name of the deck a Man on Fire reference? If so BOSS, if not it should be.
Modern, I realize there are probably some vintage and legacy stuff that would be absolute rape, but for whatever reason I like to keep my decks modern legal for the most part.
Thanks man, I actually booted up Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 the other day to look at the decks and saw one fairly similar to this and it just seemed like a lot of fun.Threw in a couple Wells of Lost Dreams to give me something else to do with the lifegain, hopefully I can get my hands on these cards.Thanks for the comment.
I like the deck man, only things I would change would be to somehow get some Zhur-Taa Druids (they're freakin awesome) in there and do something with the Gruul Charms. Maybe it's just me, but I felt like Gruul got one of the weakest, if not the weakest, charms in the Ravnica block. I'd probably rather just have a playset of Plummets than it. Sure, getting a creature out of mind control is pretty nice, but is that happening often enough to run a playset in the main deck? I wouldn't. Really like the deck though man.
Lorthos would be absolutely stupid if I could pull him off. Would definitely need better ways to draws cards if he were in here I think, but I like where your head's at.I also considered Cloudshift, and considering I'd have to have both Sunblast Angel and Tumble Magnet out to get the full benefit out of Ghostly Flicker, so I think I will sub Cloudshift in.Wall of Frost is also something I'd definitely considered, but I really like the fact that Wall of Denial has flying and shroud. I feel like I have enough tap in this deck already, and if a creature is attacking me it's already tapping itself, so I actually feel like I come out a little ahead if I have the Walls of Denial in instead.Loxodon Gatekeeper would also be good, but I am running out of space in the deck. I think one copy of Blind Obedience (which is cheaper than a Gatekeeper) is about the right place.Lastly, switching out my Court Street Denizens for a playset of Imposing Sovereigns would probably not be a bad idea at all, but the Denizens do give me the benefit of choosing the creature I want to tap, so that is nice as well. Jury is still out on that one.In any case, I really appreciate your feedback on the deck.
I like the mechanics of this deck as well. The only thing I think is missing is at least one creature/artifact with an "enter the battlefield" ability that has synergy with Venser's +2 ability because you're going to have to use it if he's out. But I definitely give it a like.
Right, it's a good effect because it fits the theme of the deck, but more than one doesn't really help me, so it's a one of. I like it there. You're right 60 cards is the most consistent, but 62 doesn't change it a ton for me.Really appreciate the feedback though, this is one of my favorite decks. One of the first decks I ever had the idea for because Sunblast Angel was one of my first cards ever.
Oh damn! That's a good combo.Another really good combo is Palisade Giant and Aegis Angel. Actually have those two cards in one of my actual physical decks and it's really enjoyable when I'm able to bust that one out. Doesn't happen until late though.
Wow, didn't know about that card.I honestly should, but I'm generally a kitchen table magic player so that might even be too jerky of a combo to really be safe to play with your friends. I know I'd be a little ticked if I lost that way.I appreciate the feedback though man.
Not helping? Each token that's a copy of Mirror-Sigil Sergeant will also create its own copies on my upkeep. Paradox Haze increases the amount of copies by an exponential amount.Again, I mentioned it in the deck description, this deck would most surely be more consistent if I took the blue out completely. But the Sergeant is just too fun not to include because he fits my theme, so with him in the deck I feel Paradox Haze is also too good not to run a couple copies of.
I splashed 8 blue permanents for Mirror-Sigil Sergeant, whenever I control him and a blue permanent I get to make a copy of him every upkeep. I figured why not have a couple of those blue permanents give me an extra upkeep. And since they're the only two cards in the deck that require an island I think I'm doing okay.
Nice! Sounds like a plan.
Haha, damn. Getting that changed to deck.@Unforeseen, any thoughts on the deck itself? I think I usually have pretty interesting themes to build decks around, but of course I'm a little biased.
I guess my question at this point would be whether or not the second target of Ghostly Flicker is valuable enough to choose it over <a href="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=240006">Cloudshift</a> or <a href="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=109733">Momentary Blink</a>? It's definitely nice to get more value out of Sunblast Angel while at the same time replenishing the counters on your Tumble Magnet, but maybe the cheaper spell is more valuable.
Hey man, was really glad to finally see a comment from somebody on my Rhinos and Elephants deck, so I thought I would return the favor.Really like how this deck turned out, looks really solid. Only thing I could think of that I might try would be to make all the +1/+1 counters a bit crazier with maybe <a href="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=226889">Curse of Stalked Prey</a>.Only thing I could think of that wouldn't be that great would be stealing one of their creatures, dealing damage to them with it, and as a result that creature gets more powerful, so it wouldn't really jive with Act of Treason, but just an idea in case you'd never thought of using it in here.
Hey man, would really like to thank you for the feedback. I knew when I made this deck that it would probably perform better if I kept it just White/Green, but mirror-sigil sergeant is just a fun card and the fact that he is also a rhinoceros is just too strong of a temptation for me to keep him out.Rhox Faithmender also stuck out to me as a great card that fit my theme, I just didn't know if I had enough lifegain in the deck to make him more valuable then the other stuff I threw in.Also felt a strong pull for Gatekeeper, but again I felt like the ability of the Dauntless Escorts and Heirarchs to protect my other creatures were more valuable then the delay Gatekeeper would cause my opponents.You definitely make a great point about Armadillo Cloak/Unflinching Courage and if you're reading this comment you'll probably notice that I've updated the decklist as per your advice.Again, thanks friend.