
150 Decks, 90 Comments, 4 Reputation

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Hostile Takedown

by blazedphoenix - updated on Tuesday, 24 Feb 2015

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Combo (73)Control (61)Graveyard (15)Tournament (13)Land Destruction (11)Aggro (10)EDH (10)Infinite Combo (9)Eldrazi (8)primeval titan (8)Counters (7)Tribal (7)Creature-Based (7)Emrakul (6)sylvan primordial (6)Possibility Storm (6)consecrated sphinx (5)kira (5)Master Biomancer (5)Chandra (5)Reanimate (5)Stompy (5)Artifact (5)Mill (5)Lockdown (5)Craterhoof Behemoth (5)thievery (5)bribery (5)Derevi (4)Enchantment (4)Exile (4)Discard (4)+1/+1 Counters (4)Chaos (4)kozilek (4)Flash (4)Terravore (4)Tibalt (4)Tamiyo (4)vigor (4)back to basics (4)Crucible of Worlds (4)inferno titan (4)balance (3)homeward path (3)zuran orb (3)Avenger of Zendikar (3)Swans of Bryn Argoll (3)conspiracy (3)unexpected results (3)armageddon (3)Pillow Fort (3)Destruction (3)Doubling Season (3)Elspeth (3)Life (3)Landfall (3)Primal Surge (3)Garruk (3)Bounce (3)Mana Ramp (3)Token (3)Self Mill (3)Defender (3)Life Drain (3)Storm (3)Jace (3)Multiplayer (3)Demon (3)Bolas (3)Theme (3)Counter (3)tornado (3)M14 (3)great sable stag (3)Sidisi (3)Prossh (2)acidic soil (2)hall of gemstone (2)archangel of thune (2)theivery (2)conundrum sphinx (2)Counter control (2)Master of Waves (2)kalonian hydra (2)Rakdos (2)Protection (2)Sacrifice (2)Nicol Bolas (2)Zoo (2)Fun (2)Burn (2)Zombie (2)Angel (2)Commander (2)Goblin (2)Bant (2)Ally (2)Planeswalker (2)Synergy (2)Ajani (2)Elemental (2)Tap (2)Laboratory Maniac (2)Graveyard Based (2)Training Grounds (2)Wizards (2)LD (2)primordial (2)eternal dominion (2)Epic (2)sphere of safety (2)fast mill (2)Omnath (2)Donate (2)fast combo (2)high priest of penance (2)death pits of rath (2)caltrops (2)treachery (2)Nissa (2)Seedborn muse (2)Elesh Norn (2)aluren (2)horn of greed (2)rofellos (2)skylasher (2)frost titan (2)Axebane Guardian (2)Chandra the Firebrand (2)aggro loam (2)beguiler of wills (2)strip mine (2)Curse of Exhaustion (2)woodfall primus (2)sword of fire and ice (2)Molimo (1)spawnwrithe (1)titan deck (1)Djinn of Wishes (1)greater good (1)spelljack (1)desertion (1)awakening zone (1)verdant succession (1)1 damage (1)no lands (1)thrun (1)sol ring (1)felidar sovereign (1)Hostility (1)saprolling (1)saprolling burst (1)overburden (1)copy enchantment (1)copy artifact (1)bonyard (1)lhurgoyf (1)terravore combo (1)aggro ld (1)zoo ld (1)mass ld (1)shadowborn apostle (1)regal force (1)chaos warp (1)arcane laboratory (1)haakon (1)abundance (1)evacuation (1)fastbond (1)maelstrom nexus (1)brillian ultimatum (1)violent ultimatum (1)chandra the firewalker (1)Icy Manipulator (1)extirpate (1)Tunnel Ignus (1)planar birth (1)zombie control (1)cursed totem (1)hecatomb (1)Dragon Maze (1)sunblast angel (1)Enlightened Tutor (1)Master of Cruelties (1)gideon's avenger (1)helix (1)Tamanoa (1)Sire of Insanity (1)land bounce (1)Massacre Wurm (1)Izzet Staticaster (1)Spelltwine (1)Serra Ascendant (1)Seething Song (1)Goblin Sharpshooter (1)Hivestone (1)Liliana of the Dark Realms (1)Master Transmuter (1)leyline of lifeforce (1)selkie (1)cold-eyed selkie (1)murkfiend liege (1)ajani vengeant (1)Boros Reckoner (1)Shirei (1)green control (1)steal (1)blind obedience (1)muliplayer (1)mesmeric orb (1)Cheese (1)Merciless Eviction (1)kira great glass-spinner (1)prime speaker (1)Tinker (1)through the breach (1)mill combo (1)Jhoira of the Ghitu (1)Aurelia (1)Sun Titan (1)Domri Rade (1)grapeshot (1)Standstill (1)Sensei (1)Ad Nauseam (1)PAradox Haze (1)Mishra (1)Combo Control (1)Stolen Goods (1)Plow under (1)Changeling (1)Scute Mob (1)Protean Hulk (1)elfs (1)Edric (1)Delver of Secrets (1)Ob Nixilis (1)Horde of Notions (1)Madness (1)dungrove (1)disciple of bolas (1)bloodghast (1)superfriends (1)Spitemare (1)Swans (1)Venser (1)Snapcaster Mage (1)Leyline (1)Kiki (1)Manabarbs (1)Blood Moon (1)Vorinclex (1)Sigarda (1)Kessig Cagebreakers (1)Splinterfright (1)Lock (1)Elementals (1)Eon Hub (1)Glacial Chasm (1)craterhoof (1)cephalid (1)infinite mill (1)hedron crab (1)Mindslaver (1)Basilisk Collar (1)Exchange (1)eldrazi monument (1)Grave Titan (1)Traumatize (1)Gideon (1)Extort (1)Bazaar Trader (1)koth (1)Geralf's Messenger (1)Warp World (1)Instant Win (1)Vedalken Shackles (1)Draw (1)Talrand (1)Lifelink (1)Extraction (1)Tutor (1)Expensive (1)Indestructible (1)Mono Green (1)Maelstrom Wanderer (1)Hydra (1)Draw cards (1)Detention Sphere (1)Copy (1)Sorin (1)Liliana Vess (1)Colorless (1)Hellrider (1)Turbo Fog (1)Oracle of Mul Daya (1)Door to Nothingness (1)Mono Red (1)Sliver (1)Thragtusk (1)Guttersnipe (1)Elves (1)Spirit (1)Haste (1)Tokens (1)Destroy (1)Life Gain (1)Creatureless (1)Mono White (1)Angels (1)RDW (1)Weenie (1)Infinite Turns (1)Infinite (1)Forest (1)Gravecrawler (1)Vampires (1)Niv-Mizzet (1)Defenders (1)Tooth and Nail (1)Elf (1)Liliana (1)Orzhov (1)Thundermaw Hellkite (1)Proliferate (1)T2 (1)Blink (1)Vampire (1)Delver (1)Aggro Control (1)Instant (1)Ramp (1)Elite Arcanist (1)Life Swap (1)force of will (1)jace's mindseeker (1)dismiss into dream (1)rhystic deluge (1)Disacrd (1)graveyard hate (1)a force to be reckon (1)medomai the ageless (1)Erebos (1)Heliod (1)ageless entity (1)exile deck (1)shuffle deck (1)Grenzo (1)Mardu (1)Zurgo (1)magus of the future (1)descendants path (1)Lavinia (1)Chainer (1)loxodon gatekeeper (1)sphere of resistence (1)grand arbiter augustin (1)planwalker (1)Intruder Alarm (1)path of bravery (1)dosan (1)city of solitude (1)elephant grass (1)mana web (1)primeval tital (1)collective voyage (1)ruin ghost (1)gamble (1)gauntlet of might (1)flame rift (1)cave-in (1)blightsteel collossus (1)enchantment's (1)enchantment control (1)sigil of empty throne (1)Phoenix (1)blatant theivery (1)blatant thievery (1)stompede (1)Forced fruition (1)cast through time (1)telemin performance (1)ruination (1)can't be countered (1)uncountarable (1)Progenitor Mimic (1)pyromancer (1)thrun the last troll (1)loxodon smitter (1)gaddock teeg (1)storm control (1)Proclamation of Rebirth (1)sunflare shaman (1)ashes of the fallen (1)TELLING TIME (1)mass hysteria (1)starke of rath (1)academy ruins (1)reins of power (1)nemesis trap (1)sundering titan (1)coffin queen (1)mind's eye (1)spine of ish sah (1)boneyard mill (1)devoid (1)Ingest (1)mazirek (1)mass land destructio (1)Commander 2019 (1)kabold (1)