HI There, i love this concept. i had a deck very similar to this .. however the guy above is right.. you should drop black completly and what i did for mana curve was add Recross the paths.. purely because it allows you to put a card at the top or bottom of your deck once you have clashed with an opponent. Also i would have atleast 1 Sensei in the main deck.. to speed up the combo.. Also if you drop black completly and Xenograft i personally would add a couple more protection black or whatever creatures since you have 4 painter's servants... maybe add 2 Painter's and 2 Shifting sky.. Since Painter will become number one target and is easier to destroy than Shifting. You might need to think about extra draw as well since 2 ponders won't cut it... maybe add Jace beleren and/or Garruk to untap lands. or Llanowar Empath Another thought Add Game preserve to combo with every card you have just for complete fun :)
thank you or your comments :) it truely is awesome
1 ponder?? says who lol its not restricted, well for classic/casual anyway.. not sure about standard.. and boots are because of Tainted strike, you cant target crits with greaves :) and thanks
i am thinking about taking out -2 righteous Aura and - 2 mountains and adding +4 Leyline of Sanctity though to stop discard decks etc
nah i think it just puts the boots on spellskite as normal.. not really tried, but i think it would be pointless as spellskites ability is 2 damage to use and the boots are only one to equip.. the good thing about spellkite though is you can steal Auras they attach to there creatures and put it on spellskite :)
actually change murkfiend liege for thistledown liege
Here is my thought's -3 True Conviction {agreed with above poster} -3 Perimeter Captain -3 Wall of Frost -4 Rhox pikemaster then add either +4 Phantasmal image or +4 Clone add +4 Murkfiend Liege explanation... Cast Liege first then cast Clone/image but don't have clone enter as a creature.. it will then have +1 +1 because of Liege's ability.. then put your followed footsteps on clone.. and with paradox on the table you get 2 clones each up keep.. one for your mirror and one for someting else :) try adding cloudpost.. super cheap to speed up casting..
this is crazy.. have you tried adding paradox haze lmfao
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