honestly i'd still say that lightning bolt is better for main. if lava spike also had splice into arcane then id agree but i don't see it...
because it isnt the same deck...
personally I think he is way too expensive and too hard to guard to be of any use.
@ddiablo2008: My standard deck actually runs no creatures at all http://www.mtgvault.com/blarg69/decks/esper-control-mill/
Would you mind checking out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/blarg69/decks/esper-control-mill/ sorry I am looking for help and don't know how else to get advice other than to ask :/
why hate devour flesh? its nice and fast and it generally doesn't give them more then 3 health unless it takes out something that is totally worth it
http://www.mtgvault.com/blarg69/decks/esper-control-mill/ This is the other mill deck I am thinking of for standard but I'm not sure which way to go. I have much play testing to do :/
I'm not sure either I haven't play tested it much, I just liked the idea of mill and green seemed to have some nice things to splash with it.
Ninja you suggested tribute to hunger but I think this deck is trying to stay standard and sadly tribute to hunger is gone now :(
yes it mills slowly and controls until it gets there, also I have won with scavenging ooze but thats not common
Would you mind taking a look at my standard control deck and see what you think? http://www.mtgvault.com/blarg69/decks/bgu-control-mill/ I have an esper mill version too but I think that the green helps a lot more
supreme verdict says "No!" to your counterspells
how can it not deal damage? you just ping the player at the end of their turn and wait... if they cant keep anything in play it doesnt matter how long it takes you even if its 1 damage a turn for 20 turns youll get there eventually...
Time Ebb is a sorcery that is why I left it out of the mix, i knew i had a reason
treasure find could hit and get stuck on a lotus petal though...
it is 16 flyers that can benefit from the warden but i get your point, I do really like time ebb i must have missed that one... also do you have any idea why spell blast and glimpse the future are uncommon if cancel and divination are better and are common? it seems that some of blues uncommon slots are crud :(
magic isnt always about winning, that's why unhinged was so popular... also 3% of the time? what? i think this deck would win a lot more, at least at my store... the level of play here is admittedly pretty shit though.
also if someone counters your 1 and only infestation it is sweep time...
@ HotPolo Player: Kronos199 has a pretty good idea with the counter, even if you treasure find into the muddle the mixture you can transmute it into what you wanted. it may slow you down but it is far better than most suggestions i have seen around here and can add a much needed control boost.
I think its fastest is turn 41: land2: land, treasure hunt3: infestation4: attack
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