I may look into that. Thank you. This deck could stand to drop dragons faster
Yea I know. I was being an ass.
I agree about the lands. Dual lands that you pay life for wouldn't be a bad idea.
I'll live I promise . :) but since your picky. You're *
And perhaps vexing devil
Check out broken ambitions and aether tradewinds.
You don't need 4 Nikol Bolas'. Your draw ability won't suffer by loosing one or two. Having 4 suggests to me that he's crucial to your won strategy for this deck, and IMO having a planeswalker as your hinge to victory is a sure fire way of getting it to draw massive Aggro. You could use that little wiggle room of reducing its count to pop out more insurance that he stays on the battlefield.
your missing a card...
Thank you for your reply. This deck was built (as you can see) two years ago. This deck has to my memory been dismantled and rebuilt into a more appropriate and functional deck.
You definitely need more one drops for this deck IMO.
Vampire lacerrator is the (b) 2/2 vampire from zendikar, great card!
Thank you, I will definitely look into both for my deck
Thank you that's a good idea . I also like carnage altar for that. And I actually own those, so I can actually put them in my deck
Agent of bolas. Gives you slightly more depth to deal damage. IMO