i just have megantic in there for late game just in case i lose alot of creatures or the game just lasts too long
thanks for the tips man
nah man its all good thanks for the imput :D
story of my life haha you might be able to find some older dual lands that are cheaper
Personally i would swap out the rakdos guild gate for bloody crypts and the golgari guild gate for over grown tomb that way you dont miss a mana drop
what should i swap out for it?
Yeah i kind of forgot about that oh well i guess this will just have to stay my modern deck thanks for the help tho :)
thanks for the tips man ill think about the lands and i had crypt ghast in there originally but i didnt see the point in mana ramping when a majority of my deck costs me 1-3 mana
21-28 of 28 items