Dude, parallel evolution is HORRIBLE!! Lol. I like it. We need to build em and play test em.
Ha ha ha. Predator ooze huh? I'm about to post my ooze deck! You'll have to check it out. Meanwhile, this deck looks good. Still love the channelers.
I like that way it turned out! But I forgot all about Guul Draz Assassin! He might jump the price a little bit but he could be fun to try out. Looks fun though! So annoying.
I like the deck but I think that zombie infestation could be a great and very dangerous card in your deck. Entomb lets you drop one from your library but if you draw your mikaeus, he's stuck in your hand.... unless you have zombie infestation for the discard! then you can reanimate him. Mikaeus aside, it lets you accomplish 2 things at once, getting a creature into the graveyard while throwing a 2/2 on the field. Just a suggestion. Either way, I love this version. the captain is so sick.
So, I changed it around and this is what I'm gonna build. The only thing that concerns me right now is the mana but I'll either add evolving wilds or shimmering grotto to fix this. I want scalding tarn but can't put it in yet.
I LOVE the price range of this deck. RIDICULOUS for being so good. Puresteel is one of the best cards ever printed.
It's cool... VERY expensive but cool. Why the gut shots? Ha ha. I think something like spirit mantle/bonds of faith could be very good OR maybe even TRAVEL PREPARATIONS which can be a very useful card in green/white creature decks.
i like this elf control but I really see no reason to not use dual lands so I say 4 sunpetal groves and 4 razorverge thickets. It'll help increase the consistency of playable draws.
So, add drowned catacomb and darkslick shore. 4 of each. Then have 7 each of swamps and islands. You should consider Go for the throat or mana leak with the free space that 4 less lands allows. Your monsters are pretty expensive so even though it could be annoying, consider a 1 drop creature like Guul Draz Assassin or whatever it's called. He's a good 1 drop black creature. Other than that, it's a pretty sweet deck. I love the ninjitsu!
I'd consider Geosurge. It costs one more than seething song but it yields 3 more mana.
This deck looks really exciting. I would take out one arrest for the last volt charge, but either way, the deck looks scary. Definitely annoying.
I really love the idea of using Primal Cocoon on Joraga Warcaller. It's brilliant and really easy. I almost want more of the cocoons available to use!
I forgot all about Wolfbriar elemental! Thanks. I definitely want at least one.
This deck makes me sad....
Thank you very much for your suggestions mursh. I decided to sub the marauders for emberwilde and take out my ember haulers in favor of lava spike. I liked the block/sac ability but I find I like the damage more. I looked into gut shot but I like the ability to draw instead. But I have a playset of gut shots in the wing at all times! Thanks.
I don't like arc runner because he costs three mana and he doesn't have the trample ability I want. If you wanted to change it up, ball lightning is a great fit. I also started out with flame javelin which is a good burn card and finisher but I removed it in favor of staggershock.
I really like this deck. It seems extremely fun and pretty competitive. I love the idea of grave manipulation.
I think the deck is pretty sweet! We need to trim it just a little bit though or it's gonna run terribly with everything having high mana costs.